Herbs For Asthma!!


Asthma is a very common problem of respiratory system affecting 15 to 2o percent of population. There is no permanent cure for asthma but herbs for asthma can help one to manage it in a better way and prevent further aggravation of symptoms.


Herbs For Asthma



Asthma is a condition of your airways in the lungs. In this condition, airways become narrow and swell that can lead to shortness of breath with cough and wheezing. Airways or called bronchial tubes help to breathe us and allow air to come in and out. In asthma patients, bronchial tubes become inflamed and there is problem in normal breathing process.

Asthma symptoms varies patient to patient and can be minor for some and at the same time it could lead to severe attack which can be life threatening. Asthma occurs in persons who have low immunity and are allergic to some substances. Genetic factors also contribute to have with this painful condition.


Asthma Symptoms

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Chest tightening.
  • Constant cough.
  • Unable to sleep at night.
  • Wheezing while exhaling. It’s a very common symptom in child asthma.
  • Restlessness


Asthma Causes

  • Though exact causes of asthma are not known and it’s believed that it is an airborne medical condition.
  • Airborne reasons are like dust, pollution, animal dander, some plants smell, pollen, mold etc.
  • Genetic factors contribute a lot, those who have family history of asthma have lot of chances to develop with same at some point in their life.
  • Stress can also contribute in some people.


Asthma – Ayurvedic Approach


Asthma - Ayurvedic Approach


According to Ayurveda, Asthma (Tamak Shwas) is a Kapha disease, though Vata and Pitta are also involved. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are three bio energies of human body that decide health and disease. Ayurveda has mentioned few herbs which are meant for keeping respiratory system in healthy position. Ayurveda is a natural science of healing that helps to manage asthma symptoms successfully.

Vasa (Adhatoda vasika), Kanthkari (Solanum virginianum), Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck), Somlata (Ephedra gerardiana), Kasani (Cichorium intybus) etc. are some of excellent herbs proved beneficial for asthma and respiratory allergies. You can find many classical formulations for easy convenience and can be taken on daily basis for better control.

Some of natural supplements for asthma are Kankasava, Agastya Rasayan, Kapha Kartari, Bharangi Gud, Sitopladi Churna, Lakshivilaas Ras, Shwaskaaschintamani Ras, Shwaskuthar Ras, Syp. Spasma, Syp Bronchorid etc. These can be taken along with water or honey accordingly.


Diet and Other Guidelines in Asthma

  • Diet is equally important here. It is most important to avoid and stay away from things and eating stuffs which aggravate asthma symptoms more.
  • Do not take cold items, curd, ice-cream, much dairy products, cream, heavy things which causes more mucus and toxins in body and take more time to get digest.
  • Do not eat much fried foods and junk foods like pizza, burgers, noodles etc.
  • Drink plenty of water (Luke warm) throughout the day. It helps to keep discharge in liquid form and take out other wastes easily.
  • Whenever you take milk, always have it boiled in long pepper or use half tsp. turmeric in one glass.
  • Avoid taking allopathic medicines without asking a doctor as some of them like ACE inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers etc. can cause asthma attack.
  • Avoid exposure to strong smells, deodorants, smell of paints and other chemical substances.
  • Wear a scarf and wrap your mouth when you travel out.
  • Avoid direct exposure to cold wind and foggy weather.
  • Keep your bed room allergens free and better use cotton pillow rather than feather one.
  • Yoga benefits the asthmatics. Practice pranayama (breathing process) under an expert. It helps to correct breathing habits and strengthen the respiratory system.


Tips during Asthma Attack

  • Drink hot water sip by sip as you drink tea.
  • Take 2 to 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Rub your chest and back with mustard oil.
  • Hot packs on chest and shoulder give sedative effects on the nerves.
  • Also pinch of black pepper with 1 tsp. honey provide instant relief.


We understand that herbs take bit longer time to show their results and in conditions like asthma, patient wants immediate relief. For preventive measure, you can opt for some Asthma Herbs on regular basis so that its impact on life is very less in future.



For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!

For experts consultation please write us at care@blessayurveda.com

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