Top 10 Drinks to Sip on for a Longer Life

Top 10 Drinks to Sip on for a Longer Life

Other than soda or beer, there are plenty of sippers which are loaded with nutrients, delicious and healthy. Incorporating these drinks in the daily routine could add a few more years to your life. Drinks to Sip on for a Longer Life 1. Water Water is the most important ingredient present in our body. It […]

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Top 7 Foods to Keep You Warm in Winter

There is a great emphasis on diet according to seasonal changes in Ayurveda. The year is divided into six seasons depending on the changes in climate. Different diets and lifestyles are mentioned in Ayurveda according to different seasons. This system is called Ritucharya. Ritu means season and charya means regimen. Winter season is known as […]

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Lose Weight with Cardiovascular Exercise

How to Lose Weight with Cardiovascular Exercise?

To lose stubborn body fat and getting into one’s best possible shape may require aerobic activities. There is a wide range of aerobic exercises. During an aerobic activity, fat is used as a primary source of fuel with carbohydrates and proteins being used to a smaller extent. Weight loss occurs when a person burns more […]

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Ovarian Cysts

Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a most common endocrine disorder found in women of reproductive age group. The fertility problems experienced by women diagnosed with PCOS may be related to elevated hormone and insulin levels which interfere with implantation and development of embryo. It is a condition which involves formation of cysts in the ovaries. […]

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Dietary Supplements

Best Dietary Supplements in Ayurveda

The use of herbs as a source of medicine has been an ancient practice in India. Herbs are a natural source for serving our nutritional needs. In Indian sub-continent, herbs have been used as dietary supplements since ages since it is a vast repository of medicinal plants. Ayurveda emphasises on the prevention and occurrence of […]

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How Ayurveda Helps in Maintaining the Health of Animals: Dogs and Cats

Ayurveda has described treatments for both humans and animals. Ayurveda in veterinary medicine focuses on animal welfare, treatment, disease management and surgery. Animals, like humans deserve the physical and mental fitness. There is no any other better option than herbs for the care of pets. Most Ayurvedic principles that apply to humans apply to pets […]

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Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Problems – Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Allergy and Scleroderma

Skin is the outer covering and is the largest organ of the body. Skin disorders account for great deal of misery, suffering, economic loss, loss of confidence and humiliation. Skin diseases are a frequently occurring health problem which affect all age groups from the neonates to the elderly. Ayurveda Approach Herbs used in Ayurveda for […]

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9 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Quickly

When our self-esteem is higher, we are more resilient and feel better as well. From medical point of view, high esteem leads to less production of cortisol in the bloodstream. But our self-esteem fluctuates daily. Low self-esteem is not a physical disorder but it stifles the creativity, self-expression and joy of simply being oneself. It […]

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How Ayurveda helps to Increase Platelet Count Naturally?

Platelets are the vital component of blood that help the body to form clots or stop bleeding in case of injuries. They are also responsible for tissue repair and wound healing. Platelet count is a process of measurement of a number of platelets per microliter of blood. A healthy person has about 1,50,000- 4,00,000 platelets […]

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Top 7 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Persimmon

Fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in maintaining the human health due to their health promoting potentials. Among them, persimmon is the nutritious fruit having strong anti-oxidant property. Persimmon is an orange coloured fruit known for its sweet flavour. This wonder fruit is attributed with many qualities. Among its 400 different types of species, […]

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