Home Remedies For Dandruff

Home Remedies For Dandruff !!

Top 5 Amazing Home Remedies For Dandruff Which Really Work!!   Well, dandruff is not something you need to Google! Everyone knows this very common scalp problem which has occupied so many people across the globe. As it is commonest problem, very easily you can get rid of it with these wonderful home remedies for […]

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Health Benefits of lemon

Health Benefits of lemon !!

Top 5 Health Benefits Of Lemon!!   Lemon is an important fruit of citrus group. Scientifically it known as Citrus limon and known as Bara Nimbu or Pahari Nimbu in Hindi. Lemon is packed with various medicinal properties. Lemon is yellowish green in color, oval in shape with rough and thick skin. Sometimes it can […]

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Importance of Fruits

Importance of Fruits in Daily Routine Diet !!!

Importance of Fruits in Daily Routine Diet!!   Fresh and dry fruits are the natural staple food of human. They are wonderful sources of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. These work in a fantastic way in body to remove toxins out by clearing body channels. People who include fruits in daily diet, enjoy healthy body and […]

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Home remedies for diabetes

Home remedies for Diabetes!!

Home remedies for Diabetes!! Diabetes is called as Madhumeh in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta and Kapha are three body’s physical energies which are responsible for health and diseased condition of body. Ayurveda has mentioned diabetes under yapya group means it can be only managed and there is no permanent cure for this. If […]

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