Health Benefits of Cardamom

Health Benefits of Cardamom!!

Health Benefits of Cardamom!!  Cardamom (Elaichi) is one of the most used spicy in Indian kitchen. It’s known for its amazing health benefits and great aroma. It does not only add the unique flavour to tea, dishes etc. but used as ingredient in ayurvedic medicines too. It’s a wonderful herb accepted by Ayurveda. This is […]

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Health Benefits of Almonds

Health Benefits of Almonds!!

Top 5 Health Benefits of Almonds!!   Almonds are called as epitome of health and wellbeing. Known as Badam in Hindi and Prunus dulcis scientifically is cultivated in various parts of world as an essential crop. Almonds are packed with plenty of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins etc. and known for its amazing health benefits. Almond […]

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health benefits of honey

Health Benefits of Honey!!

Health Benefits of Honey!!     Honey is used extensively in many dishes and also in herbal formulations due to its wonderful health benefits. It has been used across the globe over the past countless years. While numerous health benefits of honey has made it to occupy special place in ayurvedic treatment, modern science also […]

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Hyper Acidity

Hyper Acidity – Ayurvedic Remedies/Home Remedies!!

Hyper Acidity – Ayurvedic Remedies/Home Remedies!!   As the world is moving so fast, people have changes their diet and life style habits, they don’t even have time to eat. Eventually they have adopted bad, irregular and poor eating habits and provoked a number of health issues like hyper acidity! Well, there is always something […]

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Hair Care with Ayurveda

Hair Care with Ayurveda!!

Hair Care with Ayurveda!! Beauty of your hair largely depends upon your health! Ayurveda has a lot to give for healthy hair and related issues like premature greying of hair, hair fall, baldness, dandruff etc. You can find various herbal supplements like hair shampoo, hair oil, and hair conditioners in market. Herbs are enough good […]

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How to Reduce Uric Acid Naturally

How to Reduce Uric Acid Naturally!!

How to Reduce Uric Acid Naturally!! High uric acid is very common problem among young age people these days. May be due to modern diet and life style habits made them to have that!   Let’s Have A Look What Actually Uric Acid Is? Hyperuricemia is a condition of high uric acid level in blood. […]

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Home Remedies for Liver Detoxification

Top 5 Home Remedies for Liver Detoxification!!

Wonderful Home Remedies for Liver Detoxification in a very Natural way!!   Detoxification means removal of toxins and unwanted acids out from body (removal of alcohol and unnecessary toxins). Liver is the largest inner organ of our body which has got lot of daily tasks to perform. It is involved in working of multiple systems […]

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Health benefits of Nuts and Seeds

Do you know Health benefits of Nuts and Seeds!!

Amazing Health benefits of Nuts and Seeds!! Seeds and nuts contain all the important nutrients needed for the human health and growth. These are most important and potent part of foods. Whatever you eat is responsible for promotion of health and diseases as well so diet plays a very important role in the maintenance of […]

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Foods in Winter

5 Must have Foods in Winter!!

5 Must have Foods in Winter!! So winter days are here and it is the time to opt for few foods which keep you healthy from inside and protect you from cold, flu and other respiratory disorders. Though there are so many seasonal fruits, vegetables and other eating stuff to choose but here we are […]

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Natural Benefits and Curative Properties of Pulses

Natural Benefits & Curative Properties of Pulses !!

Natural Benefits & Curative Properties of Pulses!! Pulses belong to the family of peas, beans and lentils. These are defined as the dried edible seeds of cultivated legumes. Pulses are cultivated in all parts of the world and they make a very important part of the daily diet. In India who are vegetarian, pulses and lentils […]

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