Importance of chanting mantras in Ayurvedic science

Importance of chanting mantras in Ayurvedic science!!

Importance of chanting mantras in Ayurvedic science!! Religious chanting is quite common in India. It is one of the oldest documented religious practices that is preserved to date. Man has been constantly associated with Mantras from the Vedic period. Most of the Sanskrit mantras in Ayurveda come from the ancient books of knowledge- Vedas. They […]

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Ayurveda and golden goodness of Cow Ghee!!

The semi-liquid form of butter without water content, lactose and other milk solids is considered as cow ghee. It is known as clarified butter and does not become rancid over time. Cow ghee is a symbol of purity as well as nourishing in nature.In India, ghee is offered to Agni (Fire) during the religious rituals.  […]

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7 Ayurvedic herbs and spices with health benefits

7 Ayurvedic herbs and spices with health benefits!!

The science of Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems which comprises the study of thousands of herbs and their medicinal benefits. These herbs have the ability to treat many chronic diseases which are considered as incurable in modern system of medicine.The herbs protect the body from various kinds of diseases and they have […]

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Health Benefits of Phyllanthus niruri!!

India is a paradise of medicinal plants. In India, large number of plants have been used in Ayurvedic practice since thousands of years ago. Various researches have proved the efficacy of medicinal plants for the long- term health benefits. One such plant is Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri) which has been used in India since ages for […]

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5 tips to discipline your child without tears!!

Children are such little bundle of joy. They are sweet, naughty and innocent. Every parent remembers the first time their baby smile, rolled over and began to crawl but caring them is also a daunting task. They are the future of a society. Ayurvedic texts are loaded with the ways of nourishing the children. In […]

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Jaggery (Gudd) for Winters: 7 jaggery combinations that work wonders!

India is known for the maximum production of jaggery. It is most commonly prepared from sugarcane. Jaggery is a traditional form of raw sugar which is derived from sugarcane juice. Jaggery is manufactured by heating the sugarcane juice to make thick jaggery crystals. It is a healthy alternative to white sugar and free of sulphur. […]

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Peptic ulcers, causes, symptoms, herbs and tips!!

Due to change in lifestyle and eating habits, the increasing frequency of gastric symptoms are seen in people, the most common being peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcers are a broad term that include ulcers of the digestive tract in the duodenum or stomach. These occur due to the erosion of lining of stomach or the duodenum. […]

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Ayurvedic Eye Health Tips, Diet, Yoga!!

Most of the people pay attention to eyes only if they have a problem. Now a days working on computers and spending time on smartphones take a toll on eye health. According to Ayurveda, the five elements play a role in maintaining eye health. Among the doshas, the eye is governed by Alochak Pitta. It […]

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Top Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) Health benefits!!

Now a days, the use of medicinal plants either as a single herb or in its combination is increasing for the healthcare of human beings. One such plant is Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) which is abundantly available throughout India. The bark of Arjuna tree possesses therapeutic properties. In India, it has been used by the people […]

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Top 10 Drinks to Sip on for a Longer Life

Top 10 Drinks to Sip on for a Longer Life

Other than soda or beer, there are plenty of sippers which are loaded with nutrients, delicious and healthy. Incorporating these drinks in the daily routine could add a few more years to your life. Drinks to Sip on for a Longer Life 1. Water Water is the most important ingredient present in our body. It […]

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