Lemon grass health benefits

Lemon grass health benefits!!

Lemon grass health benefits!! Some healthy evening snacks, a good book and a mug of hot lemongrass tea! This is what you will look definitely once get addicted to this miracle herb. Well, lemongrass aroma is enough fine to attract you and make it a part of your daily diet plan! Let us know in […]

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Bottle Gourd Juice Health Benefits

Bottle Gourd Juice Health Benefits!!

Bottle Gourd Juice Health Benefits!! The bottle gourd is a common vegetable and quite easily available in India. It is having a wonderful taste with variety of health benefits. The bottle gourd is yellowish-green in colour and usually in the shape of a bottle. It is cultivated in the humid weather of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, […]

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Home Remedies for Jaundice

Home Remedies for Jaundice!!

Home Remedies for Jaundice!!   JAUNDICE, a liver disorder that requires detoxification! When bilirubin increases in the blood stream, it gives a yellowish pigmentation to eyes, skin and nails. It is basically a symptom of some underlying disease. Viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease are 2 very common liver disorders that result in jaundice. However […]

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Natural Remedies for Indigestion

Top Natural Remedies for Indigestion!!

Top Natural Remedies for Indigestion!! We all know that how it feels when our stomach is not doing its job properly! Indigestion, a very common digestive problem happens to almost everyone from time to time. Abdominal discomfort, bloating, heartburn, fullness, belching etc. represent stage of indigestion. Eating habits such as more junk, packed and processed […]

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Piles Home Cure

Piles Home Cure!!

Piles Home Cure!! PILES? A painful condition where veins in anal region become varicose. Also known as hemorrhoids, these are masses, clumps or cushions of soft tissues in the anal canal. Chronic constipation contributes a lot to have piles but frequent loose stools or diarrhea is also another reason among many. Pain in rectal area, […]

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Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure!!

Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure!! Hypotension or low blood pressure is a condition in which a person’s blood pressure is lower than normal range. Sometimes it can be due to nutritional deficiency, dehydration, heart problems, endocrine disorders or some neurological diseases but not necessary. Fit and active people with healthy weight also have bit […]

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Home remedies for headache

Home remedies for headache!!

Home remedies for headache!! Headache! Yes, very common complaint which troubles a lot. Frequent headaches can make life miserable and choosing painkillers very often again lead you to other complications at one point. Fortunately there are varieties of efficient home remedies which are available at home easily and can be used without much effort. Discover, […]

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Top herbs for hair growth

Herbs for hair growth!!

Herbs for hair growth!! Well, we can see a number of patients or customers looking for hair growth products as modern diet and life style have made our life full of health issues and hair loss is also one among them. Herbs have magic to restore normal hair growth. People are also aware of side […]

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Health Benefits of Moringa Powder

Top Health Benefits of Moringa Powder!!

Top Health Benefits of Moringa Powder!!   Moringa oleifera is a plant which has been known for its numerous health benefits since ancient times. Moringa powder is an easy way to get all the health benefits of this plant. The presence of essential amino acids, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and several other essential nutrients make Moringa […]

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Top herbal teas for weight loss

Top Herbal Teas for Weight Loss!!

Top Herbal Teas for Weight Loss!! Nowadays people are facing a lot of peer pressure in maintaining their looks due to their busy lives. So, most of them do not have enough time to do workout at the gym and hence, they end up undertaking weight loss programs. Herbal teas for weight loss offer a […]

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