Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking!!
Yes it can be bit difficult to give up smoking when you have made your mind but there are some of brilliant natural remedies to quit smoking. After all smoking is not healthy in any way. It is just a bad habit which brings countless health hazards.
Nicotine and smoke inhaled and exhaled can be cause of many serious health issues such as lung cancer, respiratory problems, weak defense mechanism, and low sperm count etc. Women who smoke, they can also face infertility, early menopause, irregular periods and many more.
If you are determined to leave your cigarettes behind, doesn’t matter whether you smoke once or twice or couple of cigarettes throughout the day you can make it possible. Here are some natural ways which can help you with your struggle a lot.
Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking
Vacha – Acorus calamus
A traditional herb, used very often in Ayurveda for herbal formulations can be of great help if you are seeking for natural remedy to quit smoking. This is very effective herb to clear the channels. This is well advised in respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis or chronic cough to break the mucus plug and clear ways. Vacha can help you to remove residual in your lungs which are harmful and left over there with smoking. Also it is very good to provide you energy and stamina along. There are chances of indigestion, stomach upset when you are trying to leave your cigarettes behind. Here vacha again can be beneficial. This aids in digestion and improves your metabolism. Therefore we can say vacha or Acorus calamus is just wonderful to opt while giving up smoking.
It can be taken in the form of powder with honey or water. Half tsp. once or twice must be sufficient. In Hindi it is known by the name bach.
Ginseng – Withania somnifera
Indian ginseng is very well known in Ayurveda as ashwagandha. This amazing herb have so many health benefits which make it worldwide popular. when you want to quit the smoking, there are many ups and down seen with your health so ashwagandha or also known as winter cherry can help you to overcome those health issues right from minor to major. This is excellent to overcome weakness, fatigue and restlessness.
Take half tsp. good quality ashwagandha powder with a glass of water/milk everyday morning and evening. This also helps you to have a good control over your brain or nervous system and can divert your mind from thought of smoking.
Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Well, another effective herb to quit smoking or you can say which makes an effective natural remedy to quit smoking is licorice. It is known as mulethi commonly in India. Licorice root can help you up to a great extent in this case. Licorice root can be inhaled instead of cigarette whenever you have craving for that. This not only overcome your craving but also helps to clear respiratory channels from impurities which are loaded due to heavy smoking.
You can also take half tsp. licorice powder with one tsp. honey everyday morning and evening.
Ginger – Zingiber officinale
Being packed with good antioxidant and immune booster properties, ginger makes another wonderful home remedy to quit smoking. Ginger or adrak is very beneficial in nausea and vomiting feeling. This also beats headache and laziness. All these very common symptoms can be seen in a person who is trying to leave smoking. In first few days it’s tough to manage and stand with such issues but including ginger as a natural method can help you a lot.
Prefer ginger tea whenever you have craving for cigarette. Have it sip by sip.
Herbal Tea
For the same you can also opt for herbal tea which can be prepared easily at home.
Spices such as fennel, cumin and carom seeds are taken, each half tsp. in the quantity and put in a pan containing 2 cups of water. Boil it until 1 cup remains. Have it daily. When you have more craving for cigarette have that time and for sure this will help you out. You can add honey too as a sweetener. This herbal tea can prevent you from being tempted to go back to smoking to have relief.
Along with these Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking, we also recommend you to load yourself with more and more water, coconut water and fresh fruit juices, lime juice etc. They are very helpful you to deal with your symptoms while quitting smoking and also are great to clear your body channels from impurities. Try to opt for 2 or 3 as you feel comfortable and we hope you will just do it. Good luck!
For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
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