Top Winter Detox Foods!! 


Detoxification of body means Internal Cleansing!! It is a way of simplifying your diet and lighten your toxic burden on body of harmful environmental wastes, heavy metals, sugar and unwanted fat! In Winter Detox Foods must be a first choice for natural body cleansing. Foods which are meant to be grown in particular season contain highest amount of essential nutrients so here we are with top winter foods which clean the body in very natural way –


Winter Detox Foods





Turnip is a food of winters. It is loaded with antioxidants and sulphur containing nutrients. Sulphur plays very important role in the elimination of toxins (heavy metals and some environmental wastes) out from the body. Turnips are also packed with phytonutrients called Glucosinolates that helps in activation and regulation of detoxifying enzymes.

Turnip can be enjoyed as vegetable or salad.




Ginger is commonly used in cold weather as people are aware of its health benefits. It contains Anti-Inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antiviral, Anti-Oxidant and Immune Modulator properties so help to keep common health issues during winters at bay. Ginger deals with flu, migraine, indigestion etc. Ginger keeps the defense mechanism strong and provides healthy stamina.

Boil a small piece of Ginger in a cup of water with Basil leaves, add little Honey and enjoy the infusion hot sip by sip.





Garlic is very beneficial in your diet especially during winters. Apart from adding flavor to your food, it is packed with many medicinal properties which make it wonderful detox food. It has got pungent smell due to its sulphur containing compounds. It is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese and vitamin C, B6.

It contains Anti-Inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antiviral, Anti-Oxidant properties which make it must have food during winters. It enhances immune system and protect from respiratory health issues like cough, cold, high blood pressure and related complications.

Have 2 to 3 pods of Garlic every morning empty stomach, Use in curries and soups.






Broccoli is another known vegetable during winters. It has a positive impact on your body’s detoxification system. Phytonutrients – Glucoraphanin, Gluconasturtian and Glucobrassicin are found in broccoli which work to support all body’s steps of detoxification. These help in elimination of unwanted things from body. As it is also rich in fiber, take care of digestive problems and maintains healthy liver. Broccoli serves as a great winter detox food.

Broccoli can be cooked with carrots to have with chapatis. It also can be used in vegetable soups.


Beet Root

Beet Root


Beet Root is a great source of iron with many other essential nutrients. It is very beneficial in anemia and blood loss. It is a unique source of phytonutrients – betalains that provides excellent detoxification support in winters.

Have it in salad, some people find it throat irritating, for that it can be soaked in boiled water for 5 min or so. Also use it to make vegetable.





Everybody loves having oranges in winters. Oranges are one among richest source of vitamin C which is known to boost immunity power. Vitamin C stimulates the production of protecting cell (white cells) thus improves immune system.

Oranges are also packed with Fiber and Calcium. Fiber helps to eliminate toxins out from body therefore cleanses body in a better way. Oranges also maintain healthy urinary system.

Have 1 or 2 Oranges daily, also enjoy fresh Orange Juice.


Include these excellent Winter Detox Foods in your daily diet and stay Healthy!!



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