Sunburn Home Remedies!!


Too much sun exposure can really damage your skin, it’s all due to ultraviolet rays which affect the skin and make it dark, sensitive and painful. We understand that summers are great to enjoy swimming, picnics and many other outdoor activities but at the same time sunburn also becomes a huge problem. For prevention, it’s better to go for some natural ways to reduce skin inflammation, tanning and other associated symptoms. Moreover if sunburn is left untreated, you may face blistering or peeling of skin. We have home remedies for sunburn which can be helpful for you.


Sunburn Home Remedies



Sunburn Home Remedies


Aloe Vera Gel

How beautiful is Aloe Vera plant, same way it has beautiful effects on your skin as well. Take fresh Aloe Vera leaf, take out its gel with caution and apply over local area which is affected with sunburn. Let it be for half an hour or until it gets dry. Rinse later. Apply twice to thrice daily for better results. If you can’t find plant, go for natural products containing Aloe Vera in it. This naturally moistens this skin and also provides relief from pain due to its anesthetic agent, lidocaine.




Well, apart from fabulous oats health benefits, they play very important role in skin care too. They are great source of antioxidant properties which nourish whole body via enhancing immune system. It contains beta glucan that helps to make a firm layer over skin that goes deep in tissues to show their results. Oats have ability to improve the skin tone. Take a bowl, add 2 to 3 tsp. of oats or as required. Add some water and keep it as it is for 10 minutes. For better results one can add lukewarm milk too. After few minutes oats get dissolve properly in milk and make a very fine and thick paste. Apply this paste over affected are and leave for some time, again same like half an hour or so that this brilliant sunburn home remedy can do wonders. Wash it later.




Another effective ingredient in sunburn is potato. Peel of 1 or 2 potatoes or as per your need. Place them in a blender and blend with little water to make a fine paste. Now apply this paste over your affected area and let it be until potatoes get dry. Later remove and repeat this procedure for 3 to 4 times a day. This helps to provide relief from pain and itching, improves skin tone too. Keep trying this sunburn home remedy for couple of days until you get desirable results.




Being packed with excellent medicinal properties, turmeric is very popular worldwide and it has several health benefits right from enhancing immune system and nourishing each cell of the body. A number of herbal beauty products contain turmeric as one of main ingredient in them. Make a fine paste of pure turmeric powder with water or honey. Apply this over your sunburn area and leave for some time. Wash later and repeat for 4 to 5 times in a day. This helps to overcome pain and burning feeling due to sunburn, also improves skin texture.




Cucumbers are packed with good antioxidant properties which make it another great home remedy for sunburn. Take out cucumber from your fridge and grind it. Apply its paste over affected area for some time like 30 min or so and remove later. For proper binding, use bandage. You can make pieces of chilled cucumber also to keep over affected area.


So here we have mentioned above few wonderful Sunburn Home Remedies. You can go ahead with few of them as per your convenience. Keep yourself-hydrated, eat variety of seasonal fruits (antioxidant) and stay beautiful in a natural way!



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