Natural Remedies for Constipation!!


Constipation is a very common digestive complaint that generally occurs due to poor and low fiber diet. You can try some of constipation natural remedies that are beneficial to keep bowels clean with time and can be practiced regularly without any fear of side effects.


Natural Remedies for Constipation


Almost every one experience frequently this problem. There are number of causes for constipation such as insufficient water intake, low fiber diet, diet without fruits and leafy vegetables, inactive life style, lack of exercises, some health conditions like hypothyroidism, depression, stress, poor muscles functions of digestive tract or pregnancy could also be the reason for this to happen. Some of very common symptoms of this problem are, passing very hard stool or passing after 2 or 3 days, incomplete bowel movements, stomach-ache, nausea etc. Care should be taken at time as constipation is the root cause for many serious health issues as per Ayurveda. Few to mention like, piles, anal fistula, anal fissure, depression, rheumatoid arthritis.


Natural Remedies for Constipation


One of the best constipation natural remedy is lemon water. Make a habit of taking lukewarm water every morning first thing with lemon juice. You can use half of lemon fruit’s juice in one glass of Luke warm water. Drink and you can see immediate results very quickly. When used regularly for couple of days even chronic constipation can also be taken care up to a huge extent.


Yes, figs have healthy and positive effects towards digestive tract. You can boil a few like 2 to 3 dried figs in milk. Drink this mixture at night before sleeping. Try this on regular basis. You can also soak 2 dried figs in lukewarm water over night. Mash them in the morning and have along with same water.


Castor oil is another effective home remedy for constipation. You can get it easily in the market. Pick an authentic one for better result. For adults, approximate one tsp. is advised in a glass of warm water or milk anyhow dose varies and can be taken according to digestive strength or body nature. For children, few drops can be used. This also shows wonderful results.


Triphala churna, very commonly used herbal powder for constipation is a must home remedy for constipation. This is a combination of excellent fruits – Amla, Harad and Baheda (Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica). This is easily available at herbal stores. You can take 1 teaspoon to tablespoon at bed time with Luke warm water daily.


Orange juice with olive oil or flaxseeds oil also works wonders to get rid of constipation efficiently. You can extract juice out of some oranges with pulp. Add one teaspoon of olive oil or flax seed oil in it. Dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon even, according to the requirement as mentioned above. Drink this delicious drink for healthy colons.


Along with above mentioned natural remedies for constipation, there are many other things to avoid constipation. Go for high fiber diet. Include more apple, papaya, pear, oranges, spinach, broccoli, radish, carrots, oats, brown rice etc. Drink ample of water through the day. If possible, have lukewarm water which has very good impact on digestive system. Let your body be active. Go for walk, do exercises and yoga.



For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
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