Home remedies for dry skin in winter!!
So, here is the winter season, and every time the winter wind blows, it takes some of our skin’s moisture along with it. With the result, our skin becomes dry and flaky. If you are also the one among them who is having a problem of dry skin in winter, hopefully, this article is useful for you! Yes, we are going to discuss some home remedies for dry skin in winter which you can easily perform at your home. The Ingredients required can easily be obtained from your kitchen and if not, then do not compromise with your skin, go and buy them!!
Let’s start with the easiest one.
Massage with oil-
It is quite common to have coconut oil at home. Even, these days’ people are using olive oil or almond oil as well as castor oil for multiple purpose. You can use any of these oils for massage. It is the simplest of all home remedies for dry skin in winter. What you have to do? You have to apply oil over your skin and massage your skin gently before going to bath. 10 to 15 minutes are enough.
Honey with Rose water-
Honey is easily available in your kitchen and if you are beauty conscious, then rose water can also contribute along. Now, what you have to do with these two? Prepare a mixture using 1 tablespoon honey and rose water, each. Apply this mixture on your face and neck. Wash it off after 20 minutes to experience the soft and smooth skin.
Egg yolk and olive oil-
Those having a problem of dry skin in winter must try this home remedy too. Take a teaspoon of olive oil and 2 egg yolks in a bowl. Now, blend these two ingredients together to obtain a stable consistency. You can also add few drops of lemon juice to get better results. Apply this mixture over your skin and wash after 15 minutes with warm water. This antioxidant rich mixture will definitely give your skin a shining appearance.
Paste of Banana, Papaya and Avocado-
Dry skin in winter can also be well managed with a homemade fruit paste. What you need to make a paste is one ripe banana, half a papaya of small size and one medium sized avocado. You can blend them all together to get a fine paste. Apply this paste on your face and neck. Leave it for at least 15 minutes and then wash with warm water. Adding lemon juice to this paste will not only reduce dryness but also clean your skin to give natural glow in winter too.
Milk Cream-
If you do not have much time to do all the above home remedies for dry skin in winter, then here is another one which you can do in just one simple step. Mix 2 tablespoons of milk cream with 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply this mixture daily all over your facial skin or as required, 15 minutes before you take shower. You can even apply this mixture at night if you do not bother about its smell. Choice is yours. The Lactic acid present in milk cream helps exfoliate your dry skin and preserve your skin’s delicate pH levels in winter.
Glycerin, Lemon Juice and Rose Water-
Well, try this wonderful home remedy too. Mix 3 tbsp. glycerin, 1 tbsp. rose water and half tsp. lemon juice. Store in a bottle and use every night before you go to bed. Apply this mixture after washing your face with plain water. Leave overnight and see the results yourself.
Apart from all these home remedies for dry skin in winter, eating healthy is also equally important. So, do not forget to eat right as it will nourish your skin by providing essential nutrients. Include more of carrots, spinach, flaxseed and almonds in your diet to keep that wrinkled and flaky skin at bay. Also, do not use too much hot water for showers as this will cause extra loss of moisture from your skin.
For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
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