Avocados Health Benefits!!
The avocado is a large pear shaped fleshy fruit. This has single large seed surrounded by buttery pulp and hard skin. It is yellowish green to maroon purple in color. Avocado possesses satisfactory health benefits, mentioned in detail below.
Scientifically avocado is known as Persea americana, also called commonly butter fruit. Indian names are Kulu Nashpati or Makhanphala. It is commercial cultivated crop especially in Mediterranean regions.
Avocados are packed with wonderful nutrients such as phytosterols, carotenoids, flavonoids with oleic acid and omega 3 fatty acids. They are good source of dietary fiber, Vitamin K, B, C and E along with good amount of folate and copper.
Avocados are fruits with high fat about 20 times more than the other fruits. One avocado contains 30 grams of fat but we can say 20 grams are healthy monounsaturated fat oleic acid.
Avocados Health Benefits
Healthy Heart
Avocado is a great fruit to meet daily requirements. This is absolutely sodium and cholesterol free. Avocado contains both mono and poly unsaturated fats which are associated with improving blood lipids. This also has beta-sitosterol which is recommended to keep healthy cholesterol levels in body. Also due to its amazing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, one can stay away from cardiovascular diseases completely.
Healthy Brain
Another one surprising health benefit of avocado is to boost mind. Folate is among must nutrients for brain health and normal cells functioning. Folate helps to lower the risk of depression and prevent an excess of homocysteine forming in the body that blocks the approach of needed nutrients to brain. Moreover to say homocysteine interfere with other hormones like serotonin and dopamine which are very much important for healthy brain, sleep and even appetite.
Healthy Digestion
Avocados are rich in fiber too and we can say that one of normal size avocado fruit contains 12-15 grams of it. Fiber is good for healthy digestion. Fiber rich diet helps to prevent constipation which is the root cause for many other minor to major health issues. Therefore it is not wrong to say that avocado can improve even liver’s functions and can improve metabolism process to keep one fit and healthy.
Healthy Bones
As avocados are packed with vitamin K, can help to maintain healthy bones. Half of the avocado fruit can provide almost 25 percent of daily required vitamin K. Vitamin K is usually overshadowed by vitamin D and calcium which all contribute to build healthy bones. Vitamin K is really needed for bone health by increasing calcium absorption and reducing urinary excretion of calcium. Vitamin K deficiency increases the chances of bone fracture and other related problems.
Healthy Babies
Avocados are good source of iron and folic acids too so can be of great help for pregnant women. Folate is very much important for pregnant women that helps to protect baby completely. It protects from abortions and other neural tube defects. Father’s folate status is equally important before conception for baby’s proper growth therefore we can say that avocados are excellent to recover parent’s folate status before planning for baby.
Healthy Skin/Hair
Oil extracted from avocados is used in many beauty products like creams, oils, moisturizers and cleansers to prevent ageing effects. This also acts as a scalp conditioner and make hair more strong and healthy. It contains many essential nutrients which are needed for skin and hair health.
Among these wonderful health benefits of avocado, some precautions should be taken. As avocado is not suitable for freezing and cooking, can be stored very well for few days at room temperature and is best eaten raw.
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