UTI Home Remedies

UTI Home Remedies!!

UTI Home Remedies!! Very common infection among women is UTI – Urinary tract infection. Here is how to handle UTI’s with home remedies at home. Urethra is a thin tube that transports urine from urinary bladder to the outside of the body. Urinary tract infection involves kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Infection can be of […]

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Ash Gourd Health Benefits

Ash Gourd Health Benefits!!

Ash Gourd Health Benefits!! Ash gourd, a very healthy and nutritious vegetable is packed with excellent health benefits. Ash Groud Health Benefits are advised for patients with various digestive, mental and urinary problems. Also known by the names winter melon or white gourd or white pumpkin, it is a very large fruit that is widely eaten […]

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Coconut Health Benefits

Coconut Health Benefits!!

Coconut Health Benefits!!   “Wonder fruit”, yes that is coconut! It is very healthy fruit with almost all the essential nutrients for healthy body functions. Beside coconut health benefits, this is also known as sacred fruit and holds very special place in religious ceremonies.   Coconut is very nourishing and strengthening fruit which can be […]

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