What is Intermittent Fasting?

Now a days, the concept of intermittent fasting is very common for weight loss but Ayurveda, originated in India, came to the same conclusion thousands of years ago. In fact, Ayurveda has mentioned two timings for eating food – morning and evening. In ancient India, there were no western times like – breakfast, lunch and dinner. People used to eat meal two times a day – one after sunrise and one before sunset. There was a gap of 8-10 hours between the main meals. This is a perfect timing.

How intermittent fasting helps you to lose weight

There is a scientific reason for this timing as according to Ayurveda, Pitta timings starts after sunrise and our body has higher digestive capacity after sunrise. The digestive capacity diminishes after sunset and during sleep.

Fasting means voluntary abstinence from the intake of food for a specified period of time. This has been practiced across many religions for thousands of years.

Now a days, new varieties of fasting are practiced with the major goal of weight loss. One of these techniques in popularity is 16/8 intermittent fasting. In this type of fasting, food can be consumed for 8 hours per day and food intake is avoided for the remaining 16 hours.

The 8-hour window period can be selected according to the convenience. It can be either between 9 am – 5 pm where one can have breakfast, lunch and an early dinner around 4 pm.

How intermittent fasting helps you to lose weight?

In today’s lifestyle, due to blockage in various body channels, toxins are not effectively removed and start accumulating in different parts of the body. This is where intermittent fasting can be of ultimate benefit as it takes into account all the aspects of an individual’s physiology and provides benefits without the dangerous side effects.

Intermittent fasting is beneficial for people who want to lose weight as fasting for 16 hours boosts the metabolism. 

Intermittent fasting helps in weight loss by clearing up the toxins within the system. The fat tissue in the body has an affinity for the toxins. These toxins may accumulate in different body parts such as arteries, joints thus causing inflammation.

Modern medicine has also confirmed that inflammation is the root cause of many disorders such as auto-immune disorders, thyroid, skin disorders, arthritis, high cholesterol etc. 

In the process of intermittent fasting, fat tissues are dissolved and the accumulated toxins start flushing out from the system.

It is a powerful cleansing technique having scientific approach which helps in the removal of toxins and healthy organ function. It helps in healing the gut which in turns stimulates the digestive fire and as a result, unwanted fat tissue reduces.

How intermittent fasting helps you to lose weight

Thus, intermittent fasting can:

  • Help the person to lose weight in a natural way without causing any side effects.
  • Remove the accumulated toxins and metabolic residues
  • Help one feel lighter, regain mental clarity and physical vigour.
  • Purify the body
  • Reawaken the natural intelligence of the body and the mind. 

Other benefits of Intermittent Fasting are:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Boosts cognitive power
  • Reduces insulin resistance
  • Enhances longevity

Rules for Intermittent Fasting:

  • Water: Water is really essential for the body as it keeps the person hydrated. While many people do not drink enough water during intermittent fasting, it is advised otherwise as lower intake of water can make a person feel weak and drowsy.
  • Begin fasting with short gaps:  For those who are trying intermittent fasting for the first time, it is advised that they begin with shorter gaps between the meals because the body is not accustomed to work without food for long hours.
    • Therefore, to get the body habituated to function without solid meals for long hours may take some time.
  • Avoid over-eating during intermittent fasting: Generally, people eat a lot thinking they have to fast for long hours.
    • But by consuming excess calories, the motive behind intermittent fasting is not completed.
    • Thus, eat healthy and in moderation.


  • Start slowly and gradually increase the frequency.
  • Proper nutrition of body must be maintained.
  • Avoid meats, processed foods, dairy, alcohol during fasting.

Children, teenagers, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with disabilities, persons with eating disorders, people with other medical issues, older people should not try intermittent fasting. 


This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!

For experts consultation, please write us at care@blessayurveda.com.

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