In this modern living, people find the use of non-stick and glass cookware very convenient but they are not considered as healthy.
In Ayurveda, immense importance has been given to the use of metal utensils despite the numberless innovations in modern cooking.
Some metals that have positive impact on the health are:
- Tamra (Copper): Copper is an ancient metal known to human civilization.
- Copper metal is famous for anti-bacterial properties in Ayurveda.
- For rice, it is known to be the best cooking metal.
- Drinking water in the copper vessel helps in improving digestion, slows down the ageing and heals wounds faster.
- The anti-inflammatory property found in copper helps in releasing joint pain, muscular pain and useful in arthritis as well.
- It also helps in maintaining cardiovascular health.
- Copper trace element helps in the optimal functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Don’t use copper utensils for eating or cooking any acidic food.
- Rajat (Silver): The use of silver in therapeutics dates back to the period of Charak and his contemporaries.
- Silver metal is coolant in nature and it has anti-bacterial property as well.
- Eating and drinking in silverware is good for Pitta dominant people.
- This metal calms down the temperament and improves complexion as well.
- Silver is also known for improving immunity as well.
- Kansa (Bronze): Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin. There is a clear mention of the health benefits of bronze utensils in Ayurvedic texts. It mainly pacifies Vata and Pitta doshas.
- Cooking in bronze utensils retain almost whole of nutrient value of food.
- Bronze utensils do not corrode easily.
- Cooking in bronze utensils lends alkalinity to food which reduces acidic value of food.
- Additionally, bronze metal is 90% recyclable which makes it environment friendly as well.
- 97% of micronutrients are reserved in bronze utensils. They are known for improving skin texture, bolsters nervous system, reducing obesity, improving eye sight, sharpening intellect etc.
- It is not advised to use desi ghee in a bronze vessel.
- Loha (Iron): Iron is another metal known to ancient civilizations.
- In Rasa Shastra classical Ayurvedic text, it has been explained that iron is par excellence a rejuvenator as it stimulates functional activity of all the organs, promotes strength and acts as a restorative.
- Persons suffering from low iron levels should eat food cooked in cast iron cookware. This is because cast iron cookware fortifies the food with iron.
- Cast iron vessels are tough and durable as well.
- The food remains hotter for longer time when prepared in iron vessels.
- As compared to aluminium and stainless-steel, iron vessels consume less oil.
- It is important not to leave foods, especially acidic foods in cast iron cookware for extended periods of time.
- Pittala (Brass): Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Master Charak used this metal to prepare Basti Netra.
- Brass utensils produce enough melanin which gets mixed with food while cooking. Melanin is essential for skin health as it protects us from harmful UV rays.
- Consuming food cooked in brass utensils and drinking water stored in brass container is good for respiratory health as well as it helps in providing relief in asthma.
- Cooking food in brass utensils also releases zinc in food.
- Storing water in brass container overnight and drinking this water on an empty stomach not only helps in boosting immunity but also balances all the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
- It is advisable not to cook acidic items like tomato, vinegar etc. in brass.
Hence, it becomes clear that the Ayurvedic classic Charak Samhita mentioned the use of metals as well as some alloys to treat a wide range of diseases.
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