Effective Herbs To Quit Smoking!!
The smoking cigarette can cause risk for many health problems. Even your child may have learned the bad effects of smoking in their academics. As it offers zero benefits, then why not quit it! Moreover, quitting will provide positive benefits. Wait! Do you have already made a mind to quit smoking? Great! Remember, quitting is not an easy task but not impossible as well!
Would you like to kick the habit with a natural way- Herbs? If so, this article is for you! Keep on reading to learn about effective herbs that can help you say “NO” to smoking!
Lobelia is an herb used in herbal medicine to expel mucus from the respiratory tract and manage respiratory problems. You may be wondering that why we are talking about respiratory problems rather than quitting smoking. Well, adults who smoke are more likely to develop the acute respiratory illness.
Is lobelia helpful in quitting smoking? “Yes”! This herb is not only helpful in dealing with respiratory problems caused by smoking but may aid in quitting smoking too. Is it really effective? Well, this herb has nicotine like activity which helps stimulate the release of dopamine, a brain chemical that provides a feeling of pleasure and well being.
Have you ever noticed an active smoker consuming a cinnamon stick? If so, have you ever wondered why they are doing so? Is it a trick to avoid smoking? Yes, many people feel that chewing cinnamon stick gives a signal to their body that they have a cigarette and reduces their cravings for cigarette smoking. This is a good herb to deal with withdrawal symptoms as the sweetness of this herb help people deal with sugar cravings after smoking.
Do you want to know an easy to follow tip to reduce your urge to smoke? If so, consuming a mixture of cinnamon powder and honey with a glass of water 2-3 times a day can help.
Wild oats-
Avena sativa, better known as wild oats, are counted among herbs that are used to treat anxiety or depression. If you have set a target to quit smoking, then this herb may help. Many people find that this herb has reduced the number of cigarettes they smoked per day. Don’t you think consuming this herb can make your smoking cessation program successful? After all, quitting one cigarette at a time can make a great start towards a better you!
Green tea-
Is someone in your family drinking a cup of green tea daily for weight loss? If so, it’s good. Do you know, apart from weight loss benefits, this herbal tea is an amazing way to kick start a habit of smoking too? Green tea is a wonderful remedy not only to control the craving but to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms as well. It keeps the body flooded with elements that are known to reduce an urge to smoke.
Next time when any of your family members drinks green tea, join them!
Ginger has numerous health benefits. While cooking food, it is not only used as a spice to add flavor but to get health benefits as well. So, it’s good if your mother or wife is cooking food using this spice. For smokers, this herb can prove a boon! Ginger is packed with sulphur compounds that help reduce the urge for tobacco consumption or cigarette smoking. If you are looking for ways to reduce your addiction to tobacco then this herb is a good option. Also, this is readily available in your kitchen.
Lastly, drink plenty of liquids as staying hydrated will help flush the toxins (nicotine) from the body. Whenever you feel an urge to smoke, try sipping ice cold water. If a man is working so hard to prepare something harmful (cigarette) then why not choose nature (herbs) over it and save our body from its dangerous effects.
Choose wisely and be healthy!
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