Buttermilk Health Benefits!!
Let’s discuss some of wonderful health benefits of buttermilk in this article. A sour drink or liquid left after butter has been churned out is called buttermilk. Its acidity is due to lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria. As bacteria produces lactic acid, pH of milk comes down. Milk protein contribute in milk curdling. This process makes buttermilk bit thicker than milk. This is used very often for cooking, to make curry or raita. People of Punjab and South India love to have buttermilk with meal regularly.
Buttermilk Health Benefits
Buttermilk helps to improve digestive system. It is very useful in relieving acidity and abdominal bloating. People prefer drinking buttermilk with or after meal for good digestion. Having this regularly wash down the spices and calms down burning feeling. With roasted cumin seeds it works wonders. To add few more excellent herbs such as black pepper, ginger, coriander make buttermilk a very good digestive agent that take care of whole gut problems.
This is also very beneficial in preventing dehydration as it is packed with water, curd, and other important electrolytes. In case of loose motions, drink 3 to 4 times full glasses of buttermilk sprinkled with roasted cumin and coriander powder to combat dehydration and associated symptoms like giddiness, fatigue and weakness. Must say, this is amazing buttermilk health benefit.
Buttermilk makes a wonderful drink for people who have lactose intolerance. Those who can’t digest milk and miss natural calcium, can chose buttermilk. This is useful in providing calcium without any fat, found in milk. Moreover sufficient calcium is very much important for bones growth and muscles contractions. Buttermilk boosts protein intake which is very much needed for muscles growth, our body tissues rely on protein to repair and maintain themselves hence we can say that buttermilk is pretty much beneficial for strong bones, healthy muscles and skin.
Health benefit of buttermilk aids in beauty too. It can be applied externally as well like curd. Due to its acidic and astringent nature, buttermilk helps to treat age spots, wrinkles, aging signs and blemishes. It softens and exfoliates the skin. You can mix gram flour or orange lentils in powdered form with buttermilk to make fine paste. Apply this over affected area to see changes. Do this every alternate day for few weeks. You can simple massage your face with buttermilk, leave as it is fore few minutes and wash later.
Buttermilk is very effective in taking care of scalp and hair problems as well. In case of dandruff, it brings wonderful results. Wash your hair with buttermilk daily or every alternate day for few days and you can see no more dandruff. For hair mask, add banana and honey (like 1 banana and 1 to 2 tbsp. honey with appropriate quantity of buttermilk). Apply this mixture over your hair as a mask and leave for 1 hour at least. This is quite effective natural remedy for strong shiny and healthy hair.
Being a good source of vitamin B complex with other essential nutrients, buttermilk helps to convert food in to energy. Vitamin B or riboflavin is needed for proper digestion and secretion of hormones which can be achieved with this amazing drink. Buttermilk can be useful to combat diseases caused due to Vitamin B deficiency.
Another effective buttermilk health benefit is here. Buttermilk is very low in calories so makes a very good home remedy for weight loss. It has very less fat as compare to milk so can be taken freely by those who wish to lose weight. As this makes a delicious drink, can be take 2 to 3 times daily. Top up with powdered roasted cumin seeds and fresh coriander leaves for better results.
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