Honey as Medicine in Ayurveda

Honey as Medicine in Ayurveda!!

Honey is a by-product of the flower nectar and the upper aero-digestive tract of the honey bee. It is widely used in Ayurvedic system of medicine. Honey is commonly used as Anupan (carrier or vehicle) in Ayurveda that is given along with active medication to enhance the activity. Ayurvedic Properties of Honey: It has been […]

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Importance of Healthy Fats in Ayurveda

Importance of Healthy Fats in Ayurveda!!

Fats have had a bad reputation for last decades but now modern medicine has begun to see the importance of good quality fats in the diet but Ayurveda has been recommending the use of healthy fats not only in the diet but also as a powerful vehicle for thousands of years. The utilization of healthy […]

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8 Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa

8 Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa!!

In Ayurvedic text book Charak Samhita, 68 ahara kalpanas for maintenance of health and whole grains are important to the vegetarian diet. Most of these are the preparations of Shooka Dhanya (grains) as the principle food item. Quinoa in Ayurveda: Ayurveda recommends quinoa to combat problems related to Kapha dosha. Quinoa is known as an […]

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7 Benefits of Golden (Turmeric) Milk and How to Make It

7 Benefits of Golden (Turmeric) Milk and How to Make It!!

Turmeric milk popularly known as Golden Milk originated from India is gaining popularity in western countries. The use of turmeric dates back nearly 4000 years to the Vedic culture in India but today turmeric is widely cultivated in the tropics. India produces nearly all of the world’s turmeric crop and consumes 80% of it. 7 […]

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Learn these 10 secrets by heart to live a happy and fulfilling life

Learn these 10 secrets by heart to live a happy and fulfilling life!!

Life is hard and dealing with the challenges of life can make you feel stressed. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot find the silver lining. Moreover, happiness is no longer elusive. There are few tips that will help you to feel happier and content even if life is riddled with many obstacles. These are: […]

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Vastu and Ayurveda

Vastu and Ayurveda: The incredible connection between your house and health!!

It would be surprising to know that your house plays a vital role in deciding whether you stay healthy or not. What is the link between Vastu and Health? According to the ancient texts of Vastu, Vastu and Health are closely inter-connected. It has been mentioned that every corner of the house governs one particular […]

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Ayurveda for Vertigo!! Top Herbs to treat Dizziness!!

Ayurveda for Vertigo!! Top Herbs to treat Dizziness!!

Vertigo is characterized by the sensation of movement of self or environment. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common condition that causes recurrent vertigo problems. Vertigo is the commonest type of dizziness in which a person suffers from a sensation or swaying. It is typically worsened when the head is moved. Associated symptoms […]

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Top Home Remedies for Anemia

Top Home Remedies for Anemia!!

Anemia is defined as the decreased hemoglobin percentage in the blood which means reduced oxygen carrying capacity in the blood. In India, anemia is very common in females. It is caused due to the lack of red blood cells in the body. Normal Hb values: Males: 13.5 – 18 g/dL Females: 12-16 g/dL Children: 11-16 […]

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Cycle of Seasons in Ayurveda

Cycle of Seasons in Ayurveda!!

Due to the revolution of earth around the sun, we experience different types of seasons. According to Ayurveda, the northern movement of sun is known as Adana Kala which consists of Shishir, Vasant and Greesham Ritu. The southern phase is known as Visarga Kala which includes Varsha, Sharad and Hemant Ritu. Due to stronger energy […]

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Eat a Colourful Diet

Eat a Colourful Diet!!

Fruits and vegetables get their colouration from phytochemicals and natural bioactive compounds which apart from promoting good health also give eye-catching hues to them. The fact is that the most vibrantly coloured fruits and vegetables are the richest source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and anti-oxidants. A person should eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables […]

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