Vertigo is characterized by the sensation of movement of self or environment. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common condition that causes recurrent vertigo problems. Vertigo is the commonest type of dizziness in which a person suffers from a sensation or swaying. It is typically worsened when the head is moved.
Associated symptoms of Vertigo are:
- Vomiting
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Difficulty in walking

What is the cause of Vertigo according to Ayurveda?
In Ayurveda, Vertigo is known as Bhram. It is not considered as a separate disease but rather a symptom of other disorders. According to Ayurveda, vitiated Vata and Pitta doshas are responsible for it. Ear is the one of the sthana of Vata dosha.
Herbs useful in the treatment of Vertigo are:
- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): Brahmi is considered as an excellent herb in Ayurveda for the treatment of vertigo as it is an effective tonic for brain health.
- It balances Pitta and Vata doshas and enhances blood flow to the brain.
- The regular use of this herb also helps in the treatment of anxiety, brain related disorders, depression, insomnia etc.
- By nourishing brain, this herb provides relief in vertigo.
- Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis): The alkaloids present in shankhpushpi helps in enhancing brain power.
- These alkaloids have the ability to decrease spinning activities and preserve inner ear balance.
- Due to its tranquilizing effect on the brain, it is useful in the treatment of vertigo.
- Shankhpushpi is an excellent brain and nerve tonic, anti-stress and provides calmness to the brain.
- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha is a widely used herb in Ayurveda due to its immense health benefits. This natural remedy has long been thought to be highly therapeutic.
- It is also believed to be a vertigo-fighting therapeutic herb due to its ability to improve the flow of oxygen in the body.
- The regular use of ashwagandha not only addresses the problem of vertigo but improves overall health as well.
- Vacha (Acorus calamus): In Ayurveda, Vacha is considered as a rejuvenating herb because of its effect on the nervous system.
- It helps in the treatment of vertigo due to its Vata balancing and medhya properties.
- The oil of vacha herb has tranquilizing effect on the brain therefore it is useful in vertigo on external application.

Some Home Remedies for Vertigo are:
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Take ½ teaspoon of amalaki powder with a spoon of honey once or twice a day.
- Raisins: Soak 8-10 raisins in water overnight. In the morning, crush them in the same water and take it on an empty stomach.
- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Mix equal quantities ashwagandha root powder and vacha (Acorus calamus) and store them in an air tight container. Take 1 gram of this powder with warm milk once or twice daily.
- Cumin powder: Take 1 teaspoon of cumin powder with ½ gram of nutmeg powder and mix them well. Take this mixture with honey twice a day.
- Ginger and Garlic: Take 1 small piece of smashed ginger and 3 pieces of smashed garlic slices. Boil them in water and take this mixture twice a day.
- Shatavari Powder (Asparagus racemosus): Take 1 teaspoon of shatavari powder with warm milk once or twice a day.
- Coriander Seeds: Soak 1 teaspoonful coriander seeds in water with 1 tablespoon of amla powder at night. Strain this mixture in the morning, add ½ teaspoon sugar and drink it.
- Lemongrass: Lemongrass tea is very effective in the treatment of nausea and dizziness associated with vertigo. It relieves the symptoms within few minutes of onset.
Diet and Lifestyle:
- Deep breathing should be practiced regularly.
- Head massage with brahmi oil is also very effective.
- Pranayama such as Nadi Shodhan pranayama is very beneficial for vertigo.
Hence, Ayurvedic treatment of vertigo focuses on giving nourishment to the majja dhatu and balya property of the herbs reduces degeneration as well.
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!
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