What is the Massage therapy?
Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues and consists of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, or causing movement to the body.

Almost all cultures have developed systems of therapeutic massage. It plays a very important part in Indian medical care. Primary use of it is to promote relaxation, treat painful muscular conditions and reduce anxiety.
What are the types of Massage?
Massage is planned according to the condition of patient and the age.
Following are the types of massage-
Oil massage
Dry massage
Cold massage
Hot-Cold massage
Powder massage
Electric massage
For example-
Oil Massage is advised in old age people and children. Useful in arthritis and gout too. Cold and dry massage is useful in people with obesity. Electric massage is also helpful in conditions like muscle pain, sciatica, or paralysis.
What are the effects of Massage on body?
Generally, massage is known to improve the circulation of the blood and lymph. It reduces muscular tension and keeps the vital areas safely. It improves nervous system and overcome stress, depression effectively. Strengthens the bones and joints. Let us see more here-
Effect of massage on muscles–
Massage, a kind of exercise that helps to improve muscle tone and increases flexibility, also improves joints motion. It helps to remove stiffness, soreness and tension. Improves flow of nutrients for muscles and joints. Massage on muscles delays muscular atrophy, resulting from inactivity caused by some surgeries or injury.
Effect of massage on Skin–
The largest organ of the body is skin that helps to eliminate waste material or toxins from the body and regulates body temperature. Massage is very useful for skin to improve its tone and elasticity by removing toxins or waste material from the body and also dead cells. Circulation also gets improve with massage that helps to normalize glandular functions of the skin.
Effect of massage on blood circulation–
Massage aids circulation by assisting venous flow to the heart. It helps to reduce the congestion throughout the body. Massage lowers the pressure and increases the amount of oxygen to the tissues. It also enhances the number of red blood cells in the body in case of conditions like anemia.
Effects of massage in blood pressure–
Cold massage is advised in high blood pressure. Massage should be done from heart towards feet. It helps to stimulate the brain and therefore heart rate gets reduced. Massage this way helps to de-stress the body and improves blood circulation.
Effects of massage on Nervous system–
Massage helps to stimulate the nervous system by boosting energy and making it relaxed. Massage has Stimulating, sedative and exhausting effects on the nervous system. It also stimulates the release of endorphins which is body’s natural pain killer.
What are the rules for Massage?
Person who is taking massage therapy must be calm, quiet, and relaxed. General rules for massage are–
1) Massage should be done from downwards to upwards.
2) Duration must be 30-45 minutes.
3) Should be done slowly but with a gentle pressure.
4) The extremities can be massaged with long strokes
5) Circular clockwise movements should be done on joints.
6) Abdominal massage should be empty stomach only and in clockwise direction of the large intestine.
7) Massage should be done slowly with varying pressures.
What are the Contraindications of the Massage?
Well, Massage should be avoided in following health conditions-
1) Skin conditions like Eczema, allergies, and hives.
2) High fever, hernia, appendicitis, ulcers, open wounds etc.
3) Must be avoided during menstruation and pregnancy.
Well, this was a general discussion about massage, it’s importance and rules regulations. One can Consult his/her physician or Ayurveda expert for more explanation. According to the health conditions, it can be advised and planned!!
For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!
For experts consultation please write us at care@blessayurveda.com
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