Top Natural Remedies for Indigestion!!

We all know that how it feels when our stomach is not doing its job properly! Indigestion, a very common digestive problem happens to almost everyone from time to time. Abdominal discomfort, bloating, heartburn, fullness, belching etc. represent stage of indigestion. Eating habits such as more junk, packed and processed food with stress and lack of exercise are leading causes of indigestion. Smoking, drinking and side effects of few medicines are other common causes of poor digestion. Sometimes it could be a symptom of other disease also.

Natural Remedies for Indigestion


 Top Natural remedies for indigestion –


First and foremost, make a habit of having 2 glass of Luke warm water in the morning, empty stomach daily. This helps to activate intestines, entire gut and enhance digestive fire.

Chew a piece of Ginger mixed with powdered rock salt before 15 min of breakfast and dinner, twice daily. You can continue this for 1 week and results will amaze you for sure.

Consume medium sized cup of Buttermilk 2 to 3 times daily. Mix it with roasted powdered cumin seeds (jeera) in the quantity of one fourth tsp. and pinch of black salt. Pinch of powdered asafetida (heeng) can also be added.

A decoction prepared from seeds of 1 tsp. each – Fennel, Cumin, Coriander with half tsp. of Thyme seeds can be very helpful to give relief from indigestion. This is one of top natural remedies for indigestion and can be taken on regular basis for few days. Honey can be added as per taste.

Take Mint leaves, either in raw form or made in to chutney. Raw leaves can be boiled in 2 cups of water until one cup remains. It can be filtered later and taken. Results are instant sometimes.

Pound a piece of Cinnamon and boil in a glass of water. Filter when it is half glass. Take half an hour before meal once or twice.

Another excellent home remedy for indigestion is here i.e. Ginger juice and Lime juice. Take 1 tsp. of both and mix in a small cup of water. Pinch of black pepper powder can be added. Mix well and have this half an hour before or after meal.

You can pound the seeds of Large Cardamom and take in the quantity of 1 to 3 grams with some water.

Even juices of Bitter melon and Bottle gourd are also good. Bitter melon or karela, 30 ml once or twice is enough whereas bottle gourd juice can be taken, 1 glass daily.

Another indigestion natural remedy that gives brilliant results is – 3 tsp. Onion juice mixed with half tsp. Turmeric powder. Better to take this empty stomach in morning.

Amla/Indian goose berry also works wonders I curing indigestion. Amla murabba is known best for all the symptoms of indigestion. Also take 15 ml of its juice every day with half cup of water. Its post digestion effects are sweet so of course gives astonishing results in heartburn especially.

Definitely you can try easily these top natural remedies for indigestion and get rid of abdominal discomfort.


Additional tips –

  • Avoid spicy and oily foods.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Take 3 to 4 small meals.
  • Do not lie down immediately after your meal.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.



For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!

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