Top Health Benefits of Dates!!


Dates are generally known as Khajoor in India. It is also known by other names like Kharjora in Kannada, Khajur in Gujarati and Kharik in Marathi. These are among most nourishing fruits. Amazing top health benefits of dates  are just wonderful and they are mentioned in detail below!


Top Health Benefits of Dates


Scientifically dates are known as Phoenix dactylifera. Date is used in both dry as well as fresh state. They are very rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Date provides us sugar in the form of glucose and fructose that is superior to can sugar. It can be taken as it is or with milk to enhance its health benefits.

Date is one of the earliest fruits cultivated by man. Original home of it is believed to be in the Persian Gulf area or in Mesopotamia. Now it is cultivated widely in Egypt, Iran, Italy, China, USA etc.


Top Health Benefits of Dates



Date is considered to be very good laxative food. It is highly advised in even chronic constipation. Roughage what date contains provides easy movements of bowel and it stimulates sluggish bowels.

They can be soaked in water overnight to have first thing in the morning.

You can either crush them in water to make syrup which can also be taken in the morning for laxative effects.


Sexual Debility

Dates have been proved beneficial in sexual weakness. They are great energy booster which help to keep body fit and healthy.

Soak handful of dates in cow milk overnight. Ground them in the morning with more cow milk and add 1 tsp honey with 1/4th tsp cardamom (elaichi) powder. Have this delicious drink every day. This is amazing home remedy for sexual weakness.


Children’s Diseases

Dates are very useful for children even. Children who suffer very frequently with diarrhea or stomach upset can be given dates on daily basis. Even they are wonderful in bed wetting in children.

Take 1 tsp, fine paste of dates and mix well with honey. Give it to your child during teething. It prevents from diarrhea and dysentery. This even helps to harden the gums.

Children with bed wetting can be given fresh dates (1 or 2) every day to combat this problem.


General weakness

Dates are great source of energy and can be taken to enhance body’s stamina. This is wonderful for weak heart even.

Daily have 2 to 3 fresh dates with glass of whole milk. Within couple of days you will feel a good change.

Twice in a week have soaked and crushed dates (after removing seeds) in the morning.



Dates should be a part of daily routine if you want to have healthy body weight. 1 kilogram contains almost 3,000 calories which are sufficient to meet the daily requirement of human body. They are packed with sugar, protein and vitamins with other nutrients.

Have them with whole milk daily to achieve desire body weight.

Fill the cavity with butter after removing seeds. Have 1 or 2 daily. This is amazing home remedy for underweight.



Dates have very good levels of iron in them which help to deal with low hemoglobin levels and condition called anemia. They boost the entire defense mechanism and provide enough energy by balancing iron levels in body.

Have them with milk or as it is. They can be taken in any form for couple of days or months according to the body’s demand.


So, for amazing Dates Health Benefits, have them in daily routine with some precautions. As their surface is very sticky, can attract dust and impurities very easily so better chose a good variety with good packing and wash them properly before you use!



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