Bottle Gourd Juice Health Benefits

Bottle Gourd Juice Health Benefits!!

Bottle Gourd Juice Health Benefits!! The bottle gourd is a common vegetable and quite easily available in India. It is having a wonderful taste with variety of health benefits. The bottle gourd is yellowish-green in colour and usually in the shape of a bottle. It is cultivated in the humid weather of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, […]

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Home remedies for dry skin in winter

Home remedies for dry skin in winter!!

Home remedies for dry skin in winter!! So, here is the winter season, and every time the winter wind blows, it takes some of our skin’s moisture along with it. With the result, our skin becomes dry and flaky. If you are also the one among them who is having a problem of dry skin […]

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Marigold Health Benefits

Marigold Health Benefits!!

Marigold Health Benefits!! Commonly known as marigold flower, Calendula is very beautiful with yellowish orange shade. Marigold health benefits are plentiful which are listed below. It belongs to the family asteraceae with Latin name Calendula officinalis. Flower and its oil is used for medicinal purpose. It can be used in many ways. Can be taken […]

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Sunburn Home Remedies

Sunburn Home Remedies!!

Sunburn Home Remedies!!   Too much sun exposure can really damage your skin, it’s all due to ultraviolet rays which affect the skin and make it dark, sensitive and painful. We understand that summers are great to enjoy swimming, picnics and many other outdoor activities but at the same time sunburn also becomes a huge […]

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Ash Gourd Health Benefits

Ash Gourd Health Benefits!!

Ash Gourd Health Benefits!! Ash gourd, a very healthy and nutritious vegetable is packed with excellent health benefits. Ash Groud Health Benefits are advised for patients with various digestive, mental and urinary problems. Also known by the names winter melon or white gourd or white pumpkin, it is a very large fruit that is widely eaten […]

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Coconut Health Benefits

Coconut Health Benefits!!

Coconut Health Benefits!!   “Wonder fruit”, yes that is coconut! It is very healthy fruit with almost all the essential nutrients for healthy body functions. Beside coconut health benefits, this is also known as sacred fruit and holds very special place in religious ceremonies.   Coconut is very nourishing and strengthening fruit which can be […]

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