Whenever we think of homely quick food recipe, khichadi is the first option that comes to mind. Well.. Bajra khichdi takes a bit longer time to cook but believe me, it’s very tasty and of course healthy too. A wholesome khichdi can warm your heart. It’s a perfect choice of healthy breakfast or dinner. It’s creamy consistency and wonderful flavour makes it a lovely meal when served with pure cow ghee/ homemade white butter and fresh Curd.

Nutritional Facts of Bajra

Let’s discuss about+Health Benefits of Bajra first–

1) Bajra is high in protein#
Bajra is high in protein so as a vegetarian one must add this in their diet. Protein is required to build muscles mass and nourish every body cell.

2) Bajra is gluten free#
This is gluten free therefore a great healthy option for those who are allergic to gluten.

3) Bajra is good for diabetes#
A very good source of magnesium that improves insulin response by lowering insulin resistance which is good for diabetes people.

4) Bajra lowers the cholesterol and improves heart health#
Being packed with magnesium, bajra helps to maintain nerves function and normal heart beat. Bajra contains a very good amount of fiber that helps to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the body.

5) Bajra is rich in fiber#
Fiber is considered to be a good friend of digestive system. Bajra helps to remove toxins and clear gut. It is very good natural remedy for constipation. And it gives you a feeling of full until a longer time so avoids eating and weight gain.

6) Bajra is alkaline#
Bajra is alkaline in nature therefore combats acidity and heart burn. It helps to balance pitta dosa (fire element) according to Ayurveda in body due to it’s alkaline nature hence good for skin problems, ulcers and heat stroke.

7) Bajra prevents anemia#
Bajra also contains fair source of iron that helps to prevent anemia and weakness. It gives energy and helps to fight fatigue.

8) Bajra makes a complete meal due to it’s nutrients#
Bajra is full of fiber, iron, vitamins, magnesium, protein with many other amazing properties therefore makes a complete meal for athletes. It is good for endurance.

Bajra Khichdi#Recipe

The Procedure of making bajra khichdi is very easy. This can be made in many ways. Either combined with any kind of dal or with vegetables. Here as shown in the picture, it’s made with vegetables so let’s discuss☺

Bajra Khichdi A healthy Recipe

-Rinse and soak bajra overnight if you are making it for breakfast. 8-9 hours are sufficient for this.
-In a pressure cooker, heat ghee or olive oil.
-Add spices like cumin seeds and coriander seeds.
-Add chopped garlic and ginger and saute for 2-3 minutes.
-Adding onion and tomatoes are of choice.
-Add turmeric powder, asfoetida and black pepper powder if needs it spicy.
-Add chopped veggies like beans, carrot and add peas.
-Now add soaked bajra and add water
-Add salt and need to whistle the cooker now.
-Wait for a whistle on high flame and then keep it on low flame for 20 to 25 min.
-Bajra khichdi is ready to serve.
-Have it with ghee/butter and curd or raita.

Try this and definitely you’ll love it for sure. Include bajra also in your diet to stay fit and healthy! 😊

Sometimes patients are advised to have Ayurvedic remedies for better and quick results. For experts consultation please write us at care@blessayurveda.com.


For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!

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