Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure!!
Hypotension or low blood pressure is a condition in which a person’s blood pressure is lower than normal range. Sometimes it can be due to nutritional deficiency, dehydration, heart problems, endocrine disorders or some neurological diseases but not necessary. Fit and active people with healthy weight also have bit lower blood pressure. Anyways low blood pressure is not a matter of concern until symptoms mentioned below are experienced.
Symptoms –
- Decrease in the optimum blood pressure
- Fatigue and weakness
- Rapid pulse with cold sweats
- Unconsciousness
Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure –
Shatavari (Indian Asparagus) herb is considered as wonderful health tonic that gives strength to body, especially for females. Shatavari can be used in the form of powder. Mix half to 1 tsp. of shatavari herbal powder in 1 cup of warm milk and drink every day, once or twice. This helps to have healthy blood pressure and fights weakness and other symptoms of low blood pressure. Shatavari granules are also available in market which can be used on regular basis.
Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) herb is another amazing natural remedy for low blood pressure. Ashwagandha root powder can be taken half to 1 tsp. twice with water. A decoction of both the herbs (Ashwagandha and Shatavari) also gives desirable results. Put 1 tsp of each herb in 2 cups of milk and 1 cup of water. Boil until 1 cup remains. Filter and drink this once daily. Honey can be added if needed.
Green Cardamom is another energy booster. Boil 3 cardamoms in 2 cups of milk until 1 cup remains. Drink when it’s lukewarm.
Grapes are also instant energy booster. Drink grapes juice daily and you can see your blood pressure within normal range after few days.
Well, Figs, Resins and Dates also make a brilliant low blood pressure home remedy. Soak 2 figs, 5 resins and 2 dates in a bowl of water overnight. You can have all in the morning. Take regularly to achieve better results.
Having a cup of Coffee daily also helps to maintain healthy blood pressure. If you have complain of low blood pressure then start having a cup of coffee daily, morning once but do not make it a habit because after all it has caffeine which is not healthy in a long run.
Tulsi/Holy Basil is also very beneficial in low blood pressure. Being packed with magnesium, potassium among many other nutrients, it helps to balance mental and physical stress which ultimately regulates normal blood pressure. Juice – 2 tabsp. can be taken with honey. Tulsi tea is another option.
Licorice makes another wonderful natural remedy for low blood pressure. It can block the enzymes that break down cortisol and support healthy adrenalin functions. It also overcomes fatigue and weakness. It can be used with honey or water and pinch of it can be added in regular tea while boiling.
Soak few Almonds in water overnight. Peel them in morning and make a paste of them by adding little milk. Now you can add 1 glass of milk in it and blend some more time. Take out your delicious milk shake come amazing home remedy in a glass and add 1 tsp. honey. Mix well again and drink.
So these are few tested and valuable natural remedies for low blood pressure which we must share with all. Along these, also opt for few light exercises to regulate blood flow and normalize blood pressure.
For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!
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