What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis, yes, it is a condition in which degeneration of joints and its surrounding tissues occurs. In the early stage of this disease, swelling and stiffness persist in the knees. Later on, pain also starts along with swelling in the knee. The cartilage in the knee joint gradually wears away.

Osteoarthritis Natural Cure in Ayurveda

What are the Causes of Osteoarthritis?

  • Age – The ability of cartilage to heal decreases as a person gets older.
  • Deficiency if calcium – When absorption of calcium gets reduced in the body, there is deficiency of calcium that gradually starts wear out the bones and aches begin.
  • Menopause in women – Most of the women face the problem of calcium deficiency after menopause. Hormonal imbalance is also a reason behind this.
  • Obesity – Obesity is also one of the major risk factors of the osteoarthritis. Being overweight also affects the knee joint. It puts weight over the joints and when bones strike it leads to pain.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis?

  • Pain – Affected joints might hurt during or after movement.
  • Stiffness – Joint stiffness might be most noticeable upon awakening or after being inactive.
  • Tenderness
  • Loss of flexibility
  • Grating sensation
  • Bone spurs
  • Swelling or Inflammation around joint

What Should be the Diet for Osteoarthritis Patients?

  1. Overnight soaked fenugreek seeds in lukewarm water along with garlic should be taken empty stomach.
  2. One can take sprouted fenugreek seeds in breakfast.
  3. Overnight soaked few resins and 2-3 figs can be taken before breakfast or with breakfast.
  4. Lunch can be taken of steamed vegetables, sprouted grains or chapati with vegetables of gourd family like round gourd, ridge gourd and pumpkin.
  5. In fruits, papaya, apple and pear are good options to have.
  6. Avoid dairy products. Cow ghee can be taken with meals. No curd, milk and cheese must be part of diet.
  7. Take Carrot soup, pumpkin soup or bottle gourd soup which is a healthy one in this problem.

Things to Choose: –

All gourd veggies, fenugreek, beetroot, turnip, papaya, apple, jackfruit, pear etc.

Things to Avoid: –

Dairy products, tomato, cauliflower, radish, peas, oils, condiments, soft drinks, refined flour and alcohol / smoking.

What are Effective Home Remedies?

  1. Massage with warm oil around the knee but if swelling is more, try to avoid. One can add crushed cloves and ajwain in oil. Mustard oil or sesame oil are good options.
  2. Knee-Hot fomentation – Heat the wet mud in a pot and make a poultice in cloth and tied on the knees to relieve pain and swelling.
  3. Hot – Cold compression must be done.
  4. Application of raw potato juice with cotton swab is also helpful.
  5. Janu basti, a part of panchkarma is also very effective way to manage this issue.

Is Yogasana and Pranayam Helpful in Osteoarthritis?

Anulom-Vilom pranayam improves blood circulation in the feet. Yoga brings flexibility in the joints. This has been proved panacea for the patients suffering from knee pain. Utkatasana in which body takes chair form should be done on regular basis. It helps to remove swelling and pain the legs and knees.

Sometimes patients are advised to have Ayurvedic remedies for better and quick results. For experts consultation please write us at care@blessayurveda.com.


For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!

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