How Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Lead to Kidney Failure!!
Kidneys are the bean shaped organs, located on each side of the spine below the rib cage. The kidneys produce approximately 2 quarts of urine every day. This urine comprises extra fluid and waste materials. This urine flows from the kidneys to the urinary bladder through the ureters. The bladder stores urine, which gets emptied through urethra. The functioning of the kidneys works at microscopic phase. It comprises nephrons, which filter blood and operate via two step procedure to produce the final product, urine by eliminating the waste materials.
Symptoms of Kidney Disorder
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Drowsiness
- Lack of concentration
- Insomnia
- Disturbed urination
- Numbness
- Itching
- Headache
- Weight loss
- Dry skin
- Darkened skin
- Muscular cramps
- Breath shortness
- Chest pain or angina
- Numbness
High blood pressure and diabetes are known as the silent killers. This is because, these diseases can’t be diagnosed easily. Therefore, treatment may get delayed. And, an uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes may lead to chronic kidney disorder (CKD). Let’s learn how.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is the disorder, where the body fails to make sufficient quantity of insulin, which is required by the body. Or, it may also happen that the body fails to use normal quantity of insulin properly. Insulin is the hormone, which regulates the sugar level in the blood of the individuals. A high level of blood sugar in the body may give rise to several complications.
How Does Diabetes Lead to Kidney Failure?
The small blood capillaries are affected. And, the capillaries inside the kidneys get affected. The kidney fails to carry out the cleansing process effectively. Blood purification doesn’t take place properly. The body tends to retain more amount of salt and water than the normal quantity. This results in gaining of weight and swelling of ankles. Proteins get accumulated in the urine. Waste materials also get deposited in the blood. This metabolic disorder also causes damage to the nerves of the body. Thus, there arises difficulty to empty the urinary bladder. The pressure created on the bladder due to this also leads to injuries. If urine remains in the bladder for prolonged period of time, there can be infection due to the bacterial growth in urine with high content of sugar.
Symptoms of Kidney Disorder in Patients Suffering from Diabetes
- Inflammation of legs and ankles
- Leg cramps
- Frequent urination
- High blood pressure
- Nausea, morning sickness and vomiting
- Higher level of creatinine, albumine and protein in the blood
- Paleness
- Weakness
- Itching
- Anemia
What is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure is defined as the increase in the force that the blood places on the blood vessels as the blood circulates through the entire body. This situation is also known as Hypertension. Higher volume of blood due to the presence of extra fluid in the blood, narrow, clogged and stiff blood vessels are some of the major contributory factors of high blood pressure. Individuals must have a close check on the blood pressure as per the advice of the health care professional.
How High Blood Pressure Leads to Kidney Failure?
High blood pressure damages several blood vessels present in the kidneys of the human beings. Also, this situation damages the working ability of the blood vessels as well. When the blood pressure is high, stretching of the blood vessels occurs. This stretching leads to the weakening of the blood vessels all throughout the body as well as in the kidneys. If the blood vessels get damaged, they stop eliminating the waste materials from body and hinder the process of excretion. This may elevate the level of blood pressure to a significant extent. Thus, this forms a dangerous cycle.
Symptoms of Kidney Disorder in Patients Suffering from High Blood Pressure
Mostly patients suffering from high blood pressure don’t show any symptom at all. Rarely, patients suffering from high blood pressure can suffer from headache.
Thus, high blood pressure and diabetes are two such crucial disorders, which result may give rise to chronic kidney disorder. And, this disorder may often become fatal as well.
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