Home Remedies for Jaundice!!
JAUNDICE, a liver disorder that requires detoxification! When bilirubin increases in the blood stream, it gives a yellowish pigmentation to eyes, skin and nails. It is basically a symptom of some underlying disease. Viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease are 2 very common liver disorders that result in jaundice.
However underlying cause must be treated but here are few home remedies for jaundice which can help to improve liver functions in a very natural and of course effective way. Let’s have a look –
Radish/mooli works wonder in almost all liver disorders. In jaundice, radish juice in the quantity of 20 ml can be taken three to four times daily.
Kutaki! Yes, this is excellent herb to reverse normal liver functions naturally. Pound the rhizome of kutki (Picrorhiza kurrooa) to make powder. Take 1 gram twice daily with plain water. You can also make decoction by using 3 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of kutki. Boil until 1 cup remains. Filter and drink when its luke warm.
Bitter melon makes another effective home remedy for jaundice. Take bitter melon or karela juice – 20 ml, mixed well with half cup of water and drink daily once or twice.
Soak 2 to 3 Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) stem (fresh) in water overnight and drink in the morning, empty stomach. You can pound and boil in water if available in dried form. Giloy is wonderful to improve liver functions and provide stamina.
Sugarcane tends to improve liver working and acts as an energy booster. Sugarcane juice/ganne ka juice has been advised for the treatment of jaundice since ages. 1 glass can be taken on daily basis.
Boil few leaves of spinach/sarson ke patte in water and drink the soup, once or twice daily. One can also pound fresh leaves to extract the juice.
Pound Triphala (Myrobalans) and take in the quantity of 5 grams. Soak this in a bowl of water overnight. Mash the same next day morning and have. Or else, boil triphala powder, 1 tbsp, in 2 cups of water until 1 cup remains. Filter and drink when it’s lukewarm. One can also take 1 tsp. triphala powder after breakfast and dinner twice daily with plain water.
Extract the juice from onions and take in the quantity of 3 tbsp with pinch of turmeric. Mix well and add some sugar or honey. Take this mixture twice daily for better results.
Aloe Vera juice is another great, jaundice home remedy. You can mix 20 ml of aloe vera juice in small cup of water to drink. Take two times daily, morning and evening.
Bhumiamla and also known as Phyllanthus niruri also works wonders in jaundice. One can make paste of bhumiamla leaves or whole plant can also be used. Take buttermilk instead of water to make thick paste. Take 2 tsp., twice daily for better results.
Extract the fresh juice from henna leaves and take 5 to 10 ml, mixed with powdered sugar. It’s better if taken empty stomach.
Soak 1 tsp. of coriander seeds in 1 glass of water overnight. Drink the same water next day morning and seeds can be used in making curries.
Add 1 tsp. paste of basil leaves in a cup of radish juice to have everyday at least once.
Roasted barley powder in the quantity of 1 tsp. can be taken along with plain water, twice daily.
Carrot juice, 1 cup to 1 glass can also be efficient to strengthen the liver.
Juice or curry of all gourd family vegetables should be used untill one is jaundice free. Bottle gourd/ghiya, round gourd/tinde, ridge gourd/tori, bitter melons/karela, pumpkin/kaddu, all are best to chose.
Tips –
- Drink only boiled or filtered water.
- Stay away from all spicy and fried foods. Just simple boiled and balanced diet is what you need to consume.
- Do not take carbohydrate rich food stuffs.
- Avoid sweets, soft drinks and all packed eatables.
- Legumes and pulses should be limited for time being.
- Consume very less salt.
- Refrain from non-vegetarian diet, smoking and alcohol.
One must be patient and regular with these home remedies for jaundice for specific time of period. Avoid taking unnecessary allopathic medicines to avoid burden on liver. It’s always better to consult your physician for proper guidance.
For specific treatment, always consult an Ayurveda expert!
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment!
It is intended only for Information!
For experts consultation please write us at care@blessayurveda.com
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