In Ayurveda, herbs have been used for physical and mental well-being since ages as these are considered as nature’s best gifts for physical, mental and spiritual well-being including boosting self-love; the foundation of happiness.

Some herbs for self-love are:

  1. Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis): The leaves and flowers of Hibiscus plant are used in hair wash powders, shampoos, hair growing treatment etc. Hibiscus is considered as an Ayurvedic herb which is useful in improving the strength of cardiac muscles, alopecia as it acts as hair root strengthener.
    • The paste prepared from the leaves and flowers of hibiscus is processed in sesame oil can be used for external application over the scalp for strengthening of hair root as well as for the treatment of alopecia.
    • The paste of hibiscus flowers can be taken with lukewarm water to relax the mind and for good sleep.
  2. Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric is a precious herb for self – care due to its preventive and various health benefits. Nowadays, turmeric supplements are becoming popular in western countries as well. It is an herb originated from India.
    • It is obtained from the root of the plant and has a unique fragrance that is mildly reminiscent of ginger and orange.
    • Turmeric acts as a potent antioxidant which stops the toxic compounds from causing damage to the body tissues.
    • It is used in many forms and through many routes of administration, such as through nasal, oral application on the skin etc.
    • Applying turmeric on the face reduces the growth of facial hair in women.
    • Turmeric powder when applied on the face helps in improving skin glow and radiance. It also helps in relieving acne.
    • The oral intake of turmeric acts as an excellent blood detoxifier.
  3. Lavender (Lavandula stoechas): Lavender is one of the most highly favoured herbal remedies for self-love as it has calming fragrance. It is used in various types of hair products, creams, decorative items like candles etc. It possesses properties of psychological and physiological healing.
    • The essential oil prepared from lavender is used for several cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. It is refreshing and relaxing for the body as well as mind.
    • Lavender promotes hair growth in the condition like alopecia areata. Massaging with lavender essential oil regularly helps in promoting hair growth and helps in recovery.
    • Lavender essential oil works effectively as a natural insect repellent and helps in keeping flies, beetles, mosquitoes away.
    • It contains pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties as well which is useful in various body pains like leg pain, back pain, sore muscles etc.
  4. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanica): Cinnamon is a wonderful spice having sweet and spicy flavour. Its properties have been lauded in Ayurveda for thousands of years.
    • In Ayurveda, the fragrant bark of this plant is used. It is often used to enhance the bioavailability of other ingredients.
    • Because of its warming property, it pacifies Vata and Kapha doshas. It stokes up the digestive fire.
    • Cinnamon is so popular in cold weather as its warming property soothes and clears the airways.
  5. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): The aerial parts of rosemary and the roots are the most commonly used parts for medicinal purposes. In Ayurvedic practice also, rosemary essential oil is used for various purposes.
    • Rosemary is considered as an excellent tonic for skin and hair. Besides this, it augments memory and good for mental health as well.
    • Applying rosemary oil on the scalp helps in improving hair growth.
    • It is also useful in treating debility especially if debility is accompanied with poor circulation and digestion.
  6. Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Calendula is known as Marigold flower. It has been used for centuries for its multi-purpose uses. The radiant hues of bright yellow and orange petals are considered symbolic of the sun’s energy and vitality. Therefore, this plant is also known for dispelling negativity.
    • In Ayurveda, calendula is considered as cooling in nature.
    • These flowers are also used in reducing the damage caused by UV radiation and preventing the signs of ageing.
    • The paste prepared from marigold leaves can be applied on the body to treat muscle pain as well.

Thus, these herbs are very potent and can help in self-love journey by taking care of your physical and mental needs.


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