Top Health Benefits of Licorice!!


Licorice root is also known as sweet root which is known for its medicinal properties and health benefits in Ayurveda very well. Health benefits of licorice contribute in heart, lungs, liver and digestive health. Scientifically it is called asGlycyrrhiza glabra and known as Muhlethi in Hindi.  It is a woody stemmed herb that has long and wrinkled horizontally branched roots spread out under the ground. It is also used widely in food along with some natural supplements.


Health Benefits of Licorice


Licorice is packed with wonderful properties including anti-oxidant, digestive, anti-allergic, diuretic etc. This contains active constituents like glycoside, glycerrhizic acid, asparagine, astragalin etc.



Let’s have a look on Top Health Benefits of Licorice – 


Beats Impaired Digestion and Acidity


Glycerrhizic acid present in licorice helps to deal with impaired digestion and various digestive health issues. It provide protection against the growth of H. pylori bacteria and take care of dyspepsia. As it is digestive and have sweet taste, it provides cooling effects and beats acidity, heart burn and related problems efficiently. Licorice is very useful in mouth ulcers as well. As licorice is packed with strong antioxidant properties, helps to keep bowels toxins free. It provides laxative effects and detoxifies colon in time. With its blood purification properties, we can say that licorice use can help one to keep body toxins free time to time. Dehydroglyasperin present in licorice is very useful in induction of detoxification and antioxidant enzymes.


Copes With Asthma and Bronchitis


Very important another health benefit of licorice is to relax the respiratory muscles and provide relief in respiratory illness like asthma and bronchitis. You can find this wonderful ingredient in various herbal formulations useful for respiratory problems. It eases congestion and liquefies the mucus in airways. It provides relief from bronchial spasm and soothes the throat and respiratory passage. Antibacterial and antimicrobial actions of licorice work very well in the treatment of other lung infections and plays very important role in healing of pulmonary tuberculosis.


Reduces Stress and Anxiety


In this modern life style, stress is with almost everyone and it goes beside as time passes but, it also leaves its effects on health. Over the time, it makes adrenal gland to get exhausted. This can be again stimulated with the use of licorice root extract. This provides a healthy levels of cortisol with in the body and helps you to deal with associated problems effectually.


Deals with Liver Disorders


Licorice is very beneficial in liver disorders, it improves liver functions and promotes liver healing very quickly. With its anti-inflammatory properties it helps to reduce the liver’s unnecessary inflammation and burden. Over all licorice maintains proper liver functioning and helps in better metabolism.


Maintains Healthy Heart


Licorice health benefits contribute in healthy heart functions. It prevents artery clogging plaque formation and improves heart’s normal functions. Due to licorice’s antioxidant properties, this keeps purifying blood time to time therefore prevent accumulation of cholesterol and other unwanted toxins. This way it can help up to a great extent to maintain normal heart functions and prevent from various common associated problems like high cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood pressure etc.


With these Top Health Benefits of Licorice, this is also beneficial in skin problems, painful menstruation and associated problems, weight loss and many more. It is available in many forms. For proper dose and other recommendations, it is always advised to consult your dietician or Ayurveda expert.



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