Pregnancy and Childbirth are one of the most critical events in woman’s life cycle that maintain the continuity and existence of human species in the world.

Ayurveda, the ancient science of life focuses on protection of health based on lifestyle. Hence Ayurveda plays a significant role in care of new borns as well as protecting the health of mother by providing simple, healthier and effective cures for the baby as well as mother.

Bal Rog (Paediatrics) is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda. Bal Chikitsa has been given the foremost position among Ashtangs of Ayurveda by Acharaya Kashyap. This branch is also known by the name Kuamarbhrutya. Kuamarbhrutya deals with healthy upbringing of infants. Pediatric health issues can be classified under the broad concept of Kaumarbhritya.

Since child’s health is also dependent on the mother’s health, it also focuses on special aspects of the mother’s health as well.

Some descriptions of the ancient Ayurvedic Masters in relation to child care are:

  1. Ayurveda lays emphasis on physical and emotional health at the time of conception. Dietary modifications are suggested to ensure optimum quality of sperms and ova as well as balanced state of the body processes and emotions.
    • Maternal health is always an important determinant of the health of the child. Therefore, healthy diet and regimen is also mentioned for expectant mothers as well.
  2. After the birth of child, constant monitoring and support for the physical and mental development is also given importance.
  3. Special focus is given to the immunity enhancement in Ayurveda. It helps them in fighting the disease-causing factors to prevent any kind of illness.
  4. Ayurveda has laid emphasis on diet and nutrition for the proper physical and mental development of the child. The natural foods work good for the child which leads to overall development of the children.
  5. Herbal Remedies: Various herbal remedies and compounds are completely safe and do not cause any side effects when administered to children.

Morning Routine for Kids according to Ayurveda:

  1. Inner cleansing: Make sure that the child’s bladder and bowel are emptied.
  2. Cleansing the teeth and tongue: Besides brushing their teeth regularly, a tongue cleaner should be used for younger children.
  3. Abhyanga (Body Massage): Gently rub the little one’s body with ripened sesame oil for approximately 10-15 minutes.
  4. Stretching: For infants, gently bring their legs back and over their head during the morning massage and then bring their right arm towards their left leg and vice versa.
  5. Body Cleansing: After massage and stretching, shower the child.

Ayurvedic Cuisine for Children:

The goal of nutrition is to provide energy to every single cell of the body. According to Ayurveda, agni (digestive fire) plays a role in digesting the food thoroughly. Ayurvedic cuisine for children not only provides wholesome diet, but the use of various spices and other ingredients stimulate their digestive fire as well.  Otherwise, children may suffer from bloating, fatigue, constipation etc.

Healthy Breakfast for Kids:

To stimulate the Agni (digestive fire) in children, Ayurveda suggests warm porridge with some turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and cardamon.

  • All these ingredients can be added to milk and children can enjoy spiced milk as well.
  • For children above 2 years of age, almond paste can be added to the above mixture.
  • Ayurveda recommends cow’s milk for children.
  • Cold foods should not be given to children as they aggravate kapha dosha.
  • Chywanprash should be given on the daily basis to build their immunity.

Lunch: According to Ayurveda, fresh buttermilk is recommended with a well-balanced lunch.

  • Probiotic yoghurt supports child’s gut flora.

Dinner: Easily digestible food items such as warm soup with a tablespoon of desi ghee, millets, salads etc. should be administered.

The child’s diet must include honey, milk, cow ghee, fruits and vegetables, millets, protein-rich and calcium-rich foods on the daily basis as they’re growing.

How to balance stimulus overload in children?

Now a days, children play computer games after school. Unfortunately, they don’t recognise that this leads to overstimulation again after school since computer games also provide stimulation. These lead to various medical problems. Therefore, children should be taught some breathing exercises and meditation for 10-15 minutes as these habits will help them in developing a good routine and rhythm.

Thus, Ayurveda is a complete science that focuses on the holistic development of the children.


This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!

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