Oral diseases are one of the major health problems world-wide. Oral health is very important as it is integral to general well-being and relates to the quality of life that extends beyond the functions of the craniofacial complex. The link between the oral disorders and the microbial species that form part of the micro biota of the oral cavity is well-established.

Halitosis according to Ayurveda:
Dentistry is not a specialized branch of Ayurveda but it is included in Shalakya Tantra in Ayurveda. Problems of oral cavity were managed in ancient India through Ayurveda.
The chewing of sticks has been described in Ayurvedic texts that have medicinal and cariogenic properties. Kaval or Gandush (oil pulling) also treats diseases of oral cavity including halitosis.
There are various reasons of Halitosis according to Ayurveda. These are:
- Ama Formation: Ama is a result of lowered digestion and metabolism. In this condition, bad breath may be accompanied with poor digestion, foul smelling flatus, bad body odor etc.
- Dry mouth
- Lack of oral hygiene
- Deposition of food particles between the oral cavity.
- Intake of pungent, sticky and sugary food items.
- Excess intake of garlic and onion.
- Smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Disorders of tongue, teeth and gums.
- Sinusitis
- Diseases of lungs, liver, kidneys and intestines.
Ayurvedic Remedies, Treatment, Medicines for Halitosis (Bad Breath):
Ayurvedic Remedies for Halitosis are:
- Chewing Sticks: For bad breath, Ayurveda recommends chewing sticks in the morning as well as after every meal.
- The herb sticks should be either katu (pungent), Kashaya (astringent) or tikta (bitter) in taste.
- The method of chewing is to crush one end, chew it and eat it slowly.
- The chewing sticks should be obtained from fresh stems of specific plants.
- Neem (Margosa or Azadirachta indica) is a famous chewing stick in India.
- Due to anti-bacterial action of neem stem, it helps in controlling bad breath.
- Other common plants which are used for chewing sticks are: Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Black Catechu (Acacia catechu), Milk weed plant (Calotropis procera).
- Gandush: Gandush, commonly known as Oil Pulling is a procedure that involves swishing the oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits.
- Oil pulling not only helps in bad breath but helps in preventing bleeding gums, dryness of throat, cracked lips and it is also useful for strengthening teeth, gums and jaw.
- Sesame oil is considered as the best oil for oil pulling. Sesame oil is considered to be the queen of oil seed crops because of its immense health benefits.
- Method of Oil Pulling: Oil Pulling involves filling the mouth completely with any medicated oil and held for 3-5 minutes in the mouth and then released.
- This simple technique, which, when done routinely, eliminates bad breath, enhances the senses, maintains clarity, brings about the feeling of freshness, invigorates the mind and balances all kapha related imbalances.
- Honey with Ginger: This mixture is especially useful in Kapha dominant conditions. How to use: Take 2 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice or ½ teaspoon of ginger powder. Mix them well. Use this mixture for mouth rinsing.
- Tongue Cleaning: Ayurveda also recommends tongue cleaning to get rid of halitosis. Scrape the tongue from back to the front.
- Herbal Powder: Herbal powder prepared from leaves of jasmine, chameli, punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), dried ginger celery or ajwain taken with ghee (clarified butter) are useful in bad breath.
Some Ayurvedic medicines useful in the treatment of Halitosis are:
- Chitrakadi Vati
- Hingwashtak Churna
- Trikatu Churna
- Pancha Sakara Churna
- Lavan Bhaskar Churna
- Regular consumption of radish and bitter gourd juice is recommended.
- Drink lukewarm water.
- Chewing mint leaves, fennel seeds, basil leaves is also beneficial.
Avoidable Foods and Habits in Halitosis are:
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Sour foods like curd and non-vegetarian food should be avoided.
- Excessive intake of milk, black grams, jaggery should be avoided.
- Daytime sleep and sleeping on abdomen should be avoided.
Halitosis is not a disease but it is a sign and symptom of bad breath which may be due to the other disorders of the body. Proper care of teeth, gums with dietary precautions can help in removing it.
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!
For experts consultation, please write us at care@blessayurveda.com.
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