Blood cancer or leukaemia is characterised by abnormal growth of white blood cells. The proliferation of leukemic cells takes place primarily in the bone marrow. Blood cancer not only affects the body, it disturbs the mind too.

Leukaemia is classified on the basis of replication of cell types such as AML (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia), ALL (Acute Lymphoblast/Lymphocytic Leukaemia), CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia), CLL (Chronic Lymphoblast/Lymphocyte Leukaemia) and HCL (Hairy Cell Leukaemia). One major pathway which is common to all types of cancers and metabolic syndrome is ‘chronic inflammation.’
It is considered as the 11th most common cancer worldwide. In Ayurveda, leukaemia is mentioned under ‘Raktarbud’. Ayurvedic treatment helps in blood cancer by restoring the homeostasis and reversing the proliferation of neoplastic cells in the bone marrow.
Modern research is being conducted throughout the world to explore the anti-cancer effects of herbs and Ayurvedic formulations that are described in classical texts.
Most Effective and Detoxifying Herbs for Blood Cancer
1. Bhallatak (Semecarpus anacardium)
Bhallatak is commonly known as Marking nut. It is one of the most potential herbs having effectiveness in the treatment of cancer as it possesses anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It should be administered externally only after purificatory measures. Bhallatak fruit is considered as the best Rasayana (rejuveinator).
2. Sadapushpa (Lochnera rosea)
The common name of this plant is ‘Sadabahar’. Sadapushpa plant has more than 70 alkaloids which are used for the treatment of blood cancer. These alkaloids arrest the mitosis of the cells in metaphase stage and other tumors of childhood. The leaves, seeds, flowers and roots of this plant are used for the treatment of leukaemia.
3. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric is commonly used for the treatment of blood cancer and detoxification of blood. The biological activities of turmeric are due to the presence of curcuminoids. Curcuminoids helps in improving cell communication, reduces the release of cytokines thereby controls inflammation in the body’s cells and tissues. It prevents the formation of chain of reactions that cause oxidative stress due to its strong anti-oxidant action.

4. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
Tulsi is known as ‘Queen of Herbs’ in India. The leaves of tulsi are quite effective in leukaemia due to the presence of natural phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. Due to these properties, tulsi is effective in cancer as they inhibit the proliferation, invasion, migration of cells and induce apoptosis.
5. Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
Kutaki is considered as a detoxifying herb in Ayurveda and commonly used in virechan panchkarma (purgation) procedure. Being coolant in nature, it is useful in blood related disorders. Its anti-oxidant property prevents the formation of free-radicals and induces apoptosis or death of tumor cells.
6. Shigru (Moringa oleifera)
Shigru is commonly known as ‘Drumstick’. Drumstick are effective in blood cancer as they contain phytochemicals which produce an anti-neoplastic activity. These phytochemicals produce cytotoxic effective against the cancer cells. Moreover, drumstick stimulates the natural ability of the body to induce apoptosis which helps in the destruction of cancerous cells.
7. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Ashwagandha is considered as ‘Rasayana’ (rejuvenator) herb as it has anti-oxidant, immunomodulator, anti-stressor, anabolic, fatigue reducing and improving body’s resistance qualities. The leaves of this plant also possess anti-cancer activity which works by controlling the population of cancerous cells. It prevents the multiplication of cancer cells and neutralizes the free radicals. Regular intake of ashwagandha offers protection against reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a causative role in the development of cancer.

- Avoid taking milk and non-vegetarian preparations.
- Intake of drumsticks, green gram, bitter gourd, pungent food is administered.
- Regular use of drumsticks is recommended even after recovery from blood cancer as they help to prevent the relapse in the future.
- Fresh aloe vera juice is also recommended as it helps in detoxification by absorbing toxins which gets eliminated through the colon. Therefore, it alkalizes the body.
- Avoid the consumption of Pitta aggravating foods such as tea/coffee, packaged and processed foods, alcohol etc.
- Take Triphala powder regularly as it is an excellent detoxifier and anti-oxidant as well.
These herbs have a supportive action as well as they can be used along with allopathic treatment to combat their side effects and to improve quality of life.
This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!
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