What is Self – Care?

Self – Care is defined as a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in the strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance the well – being of a person. It is a conscious act that a person takes in order to promote their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.

There are many forms of self – care that one can take such as – ensuring to get enough sleep every night or stepping outside for a few minutes for fresh air etc.

Why Self – Care is important?

According to World Health Organization (WHO), self – care is important because it promotes health, prevents diseases, helps people to cope better with illness.

Self – care is vital for building resilience towards those stressors in life that can’t be eliminated. Unfortunately, people know only about taking care of luxury. Self – care routine has been shown to have a number of important health benefits. These are:

  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improving lifestyle
  • Reducing stress and improving resilience
  • Reducing burnout
  • Stronger interpersonal relationships

5 Self – care practices for everyday area of your life are:

  1. Physical Care: There is a strong connection between the physical health and the mental health. When physical health is good, mind is also healthy and a person is able to think and feel better too.
    • Physical self – care includes taking a good and nutritious diet, time spent on physical activities and how well you’re caring for your physical needs, addressing a health issue and not ignoring it.
    • Nutritious and healthy diet such as whole natural foods should be included in diet for physical care as it helps in preventing premature aging of the brain, lifestyle disorders etc.
    • Good sleep can have a huge effect on how a person feels both physically and emotionally as not getting enough sleep can even cause major health issues.
  2. Mental Self – Care: The way a person thinks, fills the mind with positive or negative thoughts greatly influence the psychological well – being.
    • Mental self – care includes things that keep the mind alert such as solving puzzles, learning a new subject or skill that fascinates you.
    • It also involves doing things that help you to stay mentally healthy. For mental health, doing deep breathing exercises, meditation, self – compassion, acceptance etc. help to maintain mental health.
  3. Emotional Self – Care: In today’s lifestyle, it is important to have healthy coping skills to deal with uncomfortable emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness etc.
    • Emotional self – care activities may include activities that help in acknowledging and expressing the feelings regularly and safely.
    • Spending sometime outside can also help in reducing stress, lower blood pressure and live in the moment. It also helps in overcoming the symptoms of depression, fatigue and also helps in sleeping better at night.
  4. Spiritual Self – Care: A lifestyle including spirituality is generally a healthier lifestyle.
    • Nurturing the spirit doesn’t have to involve any religion but it can involve anything that helps in developing a deeper sense of connection with the universe.
    • Spiritual self – care includes praying, meditating, attending religious discourse etc.
  5. Social Self – Care: Socialization is also a key to self – care but in today’s world, when everyone is busy, it is hard to find time for friends and it’s easy to neglect the relationships but close connections are important for the well – being.
    • The best way to maintain and cultivate close relationships is to put time and energy into building the relationships.
    • Everyone has slightly different social needs. The key is to figure out what your social needs are and to build enough time in your schedule to create an optimal social life.

So, don’t forget self – care. Although the above-mentioned steps sound simple but implementing these steps in the daily life helps affects life in a positive way.


This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!

For experts consultation, please write us at care@blessayurveda.com.

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