List of foods you can eat on a gluten-free diet!!

Today many people suffer from food allergies, conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), leaky gut etc. due to wrong eating habits like intake of hard to digest food items, junk food, overeating etc. Stress and reduce intake of home- made food also contribute to these problems.  The real basis of health and disease resides in […]

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Top Home Remedies to increase children’s immunity

Top Home Remedies to increase children’s immunity!!

Immunity is described in classical texts of Ayurveda under Vyadhikshamatva. The word Vyadhi means disease and Kshamatva means to suppress or overcome.  In Ayurveda, it is stated that ojas appeared foremost in the human body during embryogenesis. The essence of saptadhatu i.e. seven body tissues from rasa to shukra (plasma to lymph), rakta dhatu (blood […]

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8 incredible eating habits according to Ayurveda you should adopt today!!

Now-a-days metabolic disorders and lifestyle disorders have become a major concern. The major cause of these health problems are change in lifestyle and food behaviour. Ayurveda has always given a great consideration to diet, dietary methods, seasonal regimens and code of conduct in health and disease. Therefore, a person who wants to be free from […]

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5 side effects of eating too much protein!

Proteins are responsible for providing structure to the body. All enzymes and antibodies are made up of proteins. Proteins are comprised of 22 different smaller molecules called amino acids, 8 of which are not synthesized in the body. Legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables like spinach, broccoli etc. are the sources of proteins. The average recommended […]

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