Dietary Supplements

Best Dietary Supplements in Ayurveda

The use of herbs as a source of medicine has been an ancient practice in India. Herbs are a natural source for serving our nutritional needs. In Indian sub-continent, herbs have been used as dietary supplements since ages since it is a vast repository of medicinal plants. Ayurveda emphasises on the prevention and occurrence of […]

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How Ayurveda Helps in Maintaining the Health of Animals: Dogs and Cats

Ayurveda has described treatments for both humans and animals. Ayurveda in veterinary medicine focuses on animal welfare, treatment, disease management and surgery. Animals, like humans deserve the physical and mental fitness. There is no any other better option than herbs for the care of pets. Most Ayurvedic principles that apply to humans apply to pets […]

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Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Problems – Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Allergy and Scleroderma

Skin is the outer covering and is the largest organ of the body. Skin disorders account for great deal of misery, suffering, economic loss, loss of confidence and humiliation. Skin diseases are a frequently occurring health problem which affect all age groups from the neonates to the elderly. Ayurveda Approach Herbs used in Ayurveda for […]

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9 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Quickly

When our self-esteem is higher, we are more resilient and feel better as well. From medical point of view, high esteem leads to less production of cortisol in the bloodstream. But our self-esteem fluctuates daily. Low self-esteem is not a physical disorder but it stifles the creativity, self-expression and joy of simply being oneself. It […]

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