Top 6 reasons to use Lemon + Water for Weight Loss!!

Yes, it is true that making little changes in life can have a big impact on your weight loss. If you are looking for an amazing weight loss herbal remedy, here you have this. We all know that we should drink 8-10 glasses per day to be healthy. Sometimes it becomes difficult for few so […]

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Acupressure – A Natural treatment!!

What is Acupressure? Acupressure is the improved version of the ancient Indian deep massage system that means putting pressure on the special points located in the human body, to cure the disease. What are main effects of Acupressure on the human body? 1) This method, when applied- awakes the electrical forces of the body, produces […]

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Importance of Massage Therapy!!

What is the Massage therapy? Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues and consists of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, or causing movement to the body. Almost all cultures have developed systems of therapeutic massage. It plays […]

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Color Therapy – Surya Chikitsa!!

Color Therapy – Surya Chikitsa!! Color therapy is used as an alternative to treat several health disorders. Colors are basically forms of visible light with varying wavelengths. As a result, each color has its own energy and wavelength. Ayurveda has named it as Surya Chikitsa, means natural treatment with sunlight. Life cannot be imagined without […]

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Facts About Breast Cancer!!

Facts About Breast Cancer!! Females are always extra cautious about their health. From losing weight to eat healthy, girls are ready to do anything. Going for a regular checkup is a better way to stay fit. Well, in this article we are going to discuss about the facts of breast cancer. Yes, after the skin […]

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How to Deal with Postnatal Depression

How to Deal with Postnatal Depression?

How to Deal with Postnatal Depression? Are you a new mum? Many Congratulations! Also, all the best for a journey of new motherhood! You may be wondering that why do you need all the best? Apart from caring for your newborn and handling baby stuff, you may have to deal with postnatal depression, a type […]

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All about Fasting

All about Fasting (A part of natural treatment)!!

All about Fasting (A part of natural treatment)!! Fasting is defined as complete abstinence of food and drinks other than water for a specific time of period to attain good health. Well..Fasting is a cleaning  and healing process. This is nature’s oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating diseases. Fasting cleanses the […]

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