Ayurveda believes in the mantra that “beauty comes from within”. The science of Ayurveda is known for extolling the benefits of balancing the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of a person. Ayurveda skin care practice involves use of natural products.

12 Ayurvedic Beauty tips that will make you look and feel great

12 Ayurvedic Beauty tips that will make you look and feel great are:

  1. Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is an ancient technique mentioned in Ayurveda as a part of daily regimen. It involves gargling with oil for about 20 minutes on an empty stomach in the morning for health benefits.
    • Oil pulling if done on regular basis removes toxins that have accumulated in the night, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. Thus it helps in clearing the skin of impurities that can cause pimples, dullness and other skin conditions.
    • Moreover, it is also beneficial in detoxification of the body as it removes all the toxins from the digestive tract.
  2. Use coconut oil as moisturizer: Coconut oil acts as an excellent moisturizer and can be used regularly due to its cooling property.
  3. Coconut oil can also be used to make the hair lustrous. In addition to imparting sheen, it provides nourishment to hair as well.
    • Massage hair with coconut oil before going to take bath. It also helps in circulation and slough off dead skin cells, which is said to help hair growth
  4. Self-massage: Abhyanga or massage offers many health benefits when done regularly. Choose any Ayurvedic oil and massage from your face down to the soles of the feet.
    • It not only deeply moisturizes the skin but it’ll make you look more radiant.
    • Massage has many health benefits as well when done regularly.
  5. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis): Aloe vera is a rich source of anti-oxidants as it contains Vitamins A and C. The pulp of aloe vera is anti-inflammatory in nature. It has nourishing and anti-ageing qualities.
    • The high collagen content and cooling property of aloe vera make it suitable to be used for skin and hair problems.
    • It is described in Ayurveda as an ultimate healer, when applied or consumed orally.
  6. Swab the skin with raw milk: Full-fat milk or cream-based masks are wonderful for soothing and cooling the irritated or inflamed skin.
    • Raw milk is useful in removing dirt from the pores due to the presence of fats and lactic acid. It has tremendous moisturizing and softening properties.
    • Wipe the face thoroughly with a cotton ball dipped into a small bowl of raw milk.
  7. Neem Oil (Azadirachta indica): If acne or pimples are bothering you, there is no other remedy better than neem oil.
    • With the help of cotton swab, apply neem oil directly to the pimples or spots of minor inflammation.
  8. Use a raw silk gharshana glove or natural bristle dry brush on the body: Using a raw silk gharshana glove is effective for Vata and Pitta skin types as it is a less abrasive form of exfoliation.
    • For kapha skin type, those having thicker and oily skin, use a natural bristle brush.
    • Starting with the feet, massage in upward direction in circular motion towards the heart. Then rinse off. 
  9. Skin Care according to Season: There are seasonal approaches that are also important for skin care.
    • All approaches to skin care from Ayurvedic standpoint are about balancing Pitta dosha as if someone has Pitta constitution, they will have to balance Pitta dosha in summer season.
  10. Exfoliate with sugar: Sugar is considered as cooling in nature. It helps in boosting cell turnover and retaining moisture.
    • Mixing sugar with other herbs such as rose petals, bhringraj, slippery elm and using it as a facial scrub is an excellent remedy for skin care.
  11. Rose Water: Rose water can be used as a toner for skin health.
    • It has been used as a beauty product for thousands of years.
    • The anti-bacterial properties of rose water helps to get rid of acne.
    • It can also help in improving the complexion and reduce skin redness as well.
  12. Know your Dosha: Last but not the least, knowing dosha is extremely important for skin care.
    • Vata skin is dry, fine-pored, delicate and wrinkle prone.
    • Pitta skin type is susceptible to rashes, inflammation, breakouts whereas Kapha type is thicker, oilier, prone to enlarged pores, pimples, blackheads etc.
    • Thus, treatment by knowing dosha gives promising results.

Thus, Ayurveda has a lot to offer for skin care that targets specific skin types and needs. 


This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information!

For experts consultation, please write us at care@blessayurveda.com.

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